What game(s) are YOU playing today?
I will judge you by your responses.
What game(s) are YOU playing today?
I will judge you by your responses.
dark souls 3
Dark Souls
grinding in realm of the mad god
might load up AA2 to fap later
Final Fantasy V Advance
Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition
One boring VN I have to play.
Civ V (Fuck Civ 6)
RFA, beat two levels today ,total 22 minutes of workout.
ion fury
quake champions
starcraft 2
Was playing rocket league yesterday and my baby rat climbed on my hard drive wire and crashed my playlist from the external hard drive, had to play a good 4mins of some song on a hard half second loop. Rats are bastards and awesome and hilarious.
Im reading Ross's Histology and Alberts Molecular Biology of the Cell.
Spelunky 2
how is it so easy to get no gold irl and so hard in spelunky?
I am waiting for black souls tommorow so i can play it without having a shit pc.
Planetside 2, maybe. Chip some more kills off of my scout rifle directive.
stfu retard i'm playing dnd
OP has shit taste who wouldve guessed
Mad Rat
Deus ex
Yakuza Like a Dragon and Deep Rock Galactic.
Did I do well, ratto goddo?
Quake using the Winquake source port. Cause the Quake source port community is shady AF. All unsecure website with unsecure downloads or the website is outright blocked by my AV.
I have no problems running .wav files to get the music working in the OG source port
half life
Genshin Impact and GGACR.
Hitman Silent Assassin, had to limit the framerate to 60 because AI has super senses on higher framerates.
Deep Rock Galactic
Zero Caliber
Maybe some risky rain or shadow of war, not sure yet.
Have Silent Hill 2 to finish. But I'm too hungover to play, especially the puzzles.
I don’t play video games anymore, I just talked about them.
I played this earlier with an user through parsec
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Yakuza 0
Sakuna of Rice and Ruin
Final Fantasy XIV
Played kane & lynch 1 and 2. The first one is garbage but the second one is a fun 3 hour game
Stardew Valley, most likely.
I'd play rimworld but it takes so long to load it doesn't feel like it's worth it
Dark Cloud 2
Either Tales of Symphonia or Xenoblade Definitive Edition. Xenoblade more likely because the shadow temple in Symphonia is kinda fucky so far, but either is possible.