That's a flat out lie.
I kneel
Yeah let me just set aside some time to be retarded enough to believe that.
>Fallout 76 after One Wasteland
How about no
Who gives a shit? Too little, too late.
I really like Fallout 76 actually. You should buy it and give it a try.
git gud bloodiedtard
I only knew of one person who played and enjoyed 76, and he was the most braindead dude I've ever met.
>don't look
Don't worry, wasn't going to
No, Todd. I wont buy it. I also bought skyrim only once, during initial release.
>>Fallout after 2
There has been ups and downs, but its a steep downward slope.
>during initial release.
then you've fallen in his trap, you had to buy it when it was free to escape his plans
Fallout 2 was shit
take your pills grandpa
They really shouldve just gave up and moved on, this game is a monument to development and PR disaster. Despite being a complete failure of a game there is still an extortionate cash shop that holds alot of the content, its incredible.
Can you stop spreading facts?
>Min/Maxers broke the game because we designed it badly, so to fix it we will just completely devalue all the RPG elements
based retard
It's fucking ass and boring as shit. Scaling kills exploration because it's the same enemies and difficulty over and over again. I miss in RPGs when you'd run into some higher level enemies that would wreck your shit, so you'd have to play smart or come back later and fuck their shit up. Waste of $16 bucks.
wait, so they didn't even use FO4 scaling system in 76? Fuck this. I hate this shit in ESO too
lol going from bad bethesda game to good bethesda game is like going from aids to hiv
This. One Wasteland completely killed the exploration aspect - the one thing the game had going for it. Literally, the most thrilling thing about 76 was sneaking into a dangerous high-level area and sneaking about trying to complete quests or cheesing a monster for some legendary loot.
In the Fallout games I would immediately cheat and make myself like level 40 at the start, it drastically improves the experience as instead of spending 2 digit amount of time fighting homeless people using the weapons made of scrap and wearing loin cloths you are actually seeing the fucking content of the game and enemies worth a damn throughout the world, its the only way I can get around scaling in these games.
care to give me a link so i can purchase that fine game of your ?
You are full of shit, the more troublesome enemies are still going to wreck you. One wasteland solved so many problems.
What is one wasteland?
I lost track of the game after the stress tests
>One Wasteland solved so many problems
unironically kys
One Wasteland is literally the best fucking decision they've made.
>Before OW
>Be Lv10
>Go to area
This whole game is just stomping around repeating daily quests and farming high level mobs in hopes they drop some nice RNG gear. May as well play Diablo 3.
All enemies are scaled to you specifically. Meaning no matter where you go, the enemies will always be within a range where you can fight back. Before OW, shit like this would happen and it happened a lot.
Because of the scaling per individual, friends can play together with little issue regardless of the level discrepancy.
No matter, I won't buy that shit.
Same goes for No Man's Sky
It can never look good because 3D fallout games are shit without modded combat. Yes, even New Vegas. RPG style combat just doesn't translate to shooters because either everything dies in 2 hits or everything are bulletsponges. Most of the time at higher difficulties unmodded youre just spamming meds while hoping to kill the enemy before their dps overtakes your heal per second
hi mister toodderino incognito
Global Chart: Don't look, but Amnesia A Machine for Pigs is actually good.
>I'm bad at the game and inconvenienced by the learning curve and actual difficulty, so it's good that Bethesda broke the game to accomodate to casual retards like me
based retard
That was a problem yes (high level PCs upping levels) but their solution was shit.
>takes 90 bullets to kill a single mutant due to level scaling
>"Learning curve"
>Having to avoid an area or sever hop when a super high level character had been in an area you needed to go
Fuck off, that has nothing to with skill. If a high level player entered an area and you were on a new character, you were basically fucking cucked out of entering the zone.
Coming across a massive monster with my friends, and desperately whittling it down with our terrible starting weapons was the highlight of the stress tests for me.
Especially as I was only using a baseball bat.
Still trying to sell this garbage? How is it still active?
>Because of the scaling per individual, friends can play together with little issue regardless of the level discrepancy.
Can you write less like a shill marketer please? At least try to blend in, holy shit
This is GAMER.
>so to fix it we will just completely devalue all the RPG elements
every other build is doing just fine, if not better kiddo. keep seething though, bethesda has a history of listening to butthurt redditors.
Its free on game pass and no, its not good now.
>actually means bad but not extremly terribly broken and unplayable, but just mechanically dull and boring, in other words bad. but it's a brandTM and you can waste your time there and it probably won't crash
you know, back in 2000 i had way higher hopes for 2020 when it comes to mechanical complexity of games
One wasteland made doing the main quest smoother for the noobs and gave high level players tougher enemies and slightly better loots.
FO76 is filled to the brim with retarded players and you are obviously one of them.
Once a bad game, always a bad game.
What's global chat? Like, a public channel in which everybody on the server can engage in regardless of where they are? I guess it'd be good for shouting out events, but Global chat always ends up turning into a hot garbage dumpster fire filled with bullshit, given enoguh time.
Take your meds, you retarded cunt.
That better?
Scaling is good. I don't want to grind shit and waste my time just to explore the world. I have real life too and very little times for video games. Grow up kids
>One Wasteland made doing the main quest smoother for the noobs and removed the point of leveling up and playing the game in general for everyone else
>trusting game journalism
fake news
>removed the point of leveling up
Getting out of the level 50 ditch will always be a priority in FO76 you stupid piece of shit.
played for 2 hours on a free weekend and literally killed less than 20 things. 12 of them were in the last 5 minutes where i drank water and got dysentery.
Game is literally just collecting garbage to craft garbage
You should know that because of faggots like you, they got rid of the survival aspect, hunger and thirst won't give you debuffs anymore.
Perhaps so but it should still not be an acceptable practise to shit out an unfinished game and then complete it later
I guess they're taking the No Man's Sky approach.
>Hype up game
>Game is a disappointment
>Players stop playing it
>The media tries to sucker people back in by insisting that updates 'fixed' the original release
I've seen this happen with Destiny, No Man's Sky, and now this.
dont blame other people for your game being shit for years