What's the most painfully unfunny game you've played?

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Borderlands. Any of them.



Manual Samuel

borderlands hands down



Borderlands 2, and only 2 because i haven't played the other ones

Ratchet and Clank on the PS4


Beat me to it. Fuck Borderlands

based. borderlands is bad but mcpixel was fucking painful

Borderlands for sure

My Friend Pedro
Game plays great and sounds even better, but holy shit the story is so lame. It even infects the gameplay at the eleventh hour because the penultimate boss is the best part of the game but then the final boss and ending are really weak due to the last couple turns of the story.

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Sunset Overdrive

Borderlands 3, half way into playing it, I turned off the audio for dialogue and just focused on the gameplay.

I can admit 3 was very trihard unfunny with its jokes but all the rest were funny af.
You mean to tell me the shoot me in the face mission didn't put a smile on your face

Borderlands has been mentioned, but the Pre-Sequel is particularly bad. It's clearly trying to ape the humor of the previous game, which is a horrible idea for obvious reasons.

straighten yourself out.

>Look at what I can do with my VPN mommy! I'm so funny and quirky!

Kill yourself

Jackbox with Zig Forums

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Also want to throw in Saints Row 3, there were so many times where it came off as them trying too hard to be wacky and random.

OK Randy

what about the kill yourself mission where Handsome Jack literally pays you if you kill yourself by jumping into lava. That was so funny.
And then they tried to do the exact same thing in 3 and it sucked

Ask your girl's boyfriend for some ice cream to help cope with that butthurt, Anthony

The quests in 2 had more thought put into them overall. They made sure to give you straight up action missions, and then missions where you're just going to claptrap's sad ass birthday party.

Randy pls.

battleborn? more like stillborn!!!!!!!

Borderlands the Pre Sequel

ive literally never played borderlands solely for the fact that is renowned for the shit, cringe humor and everyone in this thread only reinforces that i made the right choice.

super paper mario

Borderlands 3, easily.
1 is based and actually good
2 has a lot of unfunny shit, but has some good writing too
Pre sequel is cringey
3 is fucking insufferable at almost every moment

I've been playing 3 a lot with a friend and the hilariously out of date probably unironic references get a chuckle out of me sometimes. Like who still puts several references to fucking dubstep in their games

user says it so I don't have to. McPixel is one of the worst games I've ever played. Absolute trash.

Saint's row

Stubbs the Zombie