GDQ is having another WOMAN-ONLY event


Say something nice about these WOMEN.

Attached: the phonecall that saved speedrunning.jpg (648x499, 204.93K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Theyre all stupid ugly trannies

I got timed out for typing


Attached: beautiful women at speedrun event.jpg (2560x1707, 688.15K)

>all money goes to feminist organization working to convince muslim women not to marry or become mothers, but instead get a women's studies degree.

Its like a game, find the real women in the image

>"women only" event features more men than women
wew lad

Jesus christ, these people really do look mentally unwell.

orange shirt in the front is the only girl if its actually a dude i will commit sudoku

>oh wow there's girls playing video games? thats awesome!
>*clicks link*

why is it all ugly dudes dressed as chicks?


this image is super fuckin funny but was it actually taken at a GDQ event? the cards dont look like they're for a speedrunning event.

>Dificulty : Easy
Yea they are girls allright

Attached: 1Z2aqwx.jpg (500x381, 19.77K)

you lost

It's time to end gaming. Why do these axe wound parasites attach themselves to this hobby like leeches?

lets see how good i am

there are some real in betweeners here. this whole image is so unfortunate

Attached: 1605474976413.jpg (2560x1707, 1.26M)

To be fair muslim women actually have shit to worry about unlike western women.
If you were ever to donate money to an organization for helping women then helping out the poor fucks who got born into that shithole of a religion would be the way to go.

ask who the guy talking is and got banned within 5 seconds

Attached: kek.jpg (969x1024, 72.2K)

lmao why is Zfg there on the left

I might fuck the one with the red shirt who has her hands modestly in her lap if I got really drunk first.
But goddamn. Most of them are clearly not even trying.
If I go to an event of some kind I get a haircut and a shave. Is that too much to ask of these "ladies"?

Imagine the smell.

The one center-right with the mascara on is absolutely a man, ignore the gay makeup and look at his face. you might be right about everyone else though

Circled the ones in red I would fuck. The one on the left with the red hair was iffy but looks like they could suck a mean dick.

Attached: yeahiwould.jpg (2560x1707, 1004K)


jesus christ

Attached: 1600397075162.png (1000x700, 85.39K)

There's.. what? 5-6 actual females in that photo?

What charity will convince them go back to their own countries.

That fat one at the top is clearly a dude, and the one below him

the dude on the left, he just put a fucking skirt and call it a day.

Can you circle the ones that are actual women.

Imagine the vinegary smell

Lol let me take a stab at it.

How is the research on the guys in the pic going? Does anyone have the latest update?

Suicide speedruns?