Why did it fail? Last year everyone was homeposting about it and now it seems to have fallen below even ffxiv in terms of popularity.
Now that the dust has settled
It's made WoW the most popular MMO in the world again.
>More popular than both Retail and FF
Yup, sure did fail. This sure isn't another desperate attempt by modern MMO cucks to try and save face on their cash shop driven, raid only focused dailies grinding shitshows.
Download Classic, learn how to chat to people, make friends, adventure, play it and realize this is what a real MMO is.
>b-but my minmaxers!
>b-but my youtuber said X!
No one cares, not representative of the game, stop being a retarded sheep.
Dont @ me Retail/FF fags your opinion means less than nothing.
Classic is raidlog incarnate, nobody's levelling or doing world shit anymore.
Dangerously fucking based post
It didn't fail though. Blizzard is probably doing TBC soon even though it's the shit that killed WoW in the first place.
>>b-but my youtuber said X!
Nope. Just like in Vanilla 70% of people are levelers because thats the REAL game you stupid fucking raidlog troglodyte.
>nobody's levelling or doing world shit anymore.
Can you tell everyone on my server that because this world PvP is never-ending suffering. I love it but the zones are fucking packed and you're full of shit.
Vanilla is good fag
Hello based department
How did it fail, it gave me great 2 months, I got reunited with some of my old friends who I havent talked to in years, after that it got boring, sure, but there are almost no games to keep my interest for longer than a month.
Cant wait for tbc, gonna have a great month or so
Top end speed run classic raider here, it didnt fail, but myself and many others got tired of buff cycling and raidlogging. We've since gone back to retail where there is/will-be more to do outside of raids. I will NOT be returning for BC, because BC is all of vanilla's problems amplified (hello raids of 18 warlocks). Might consider returning for WoTLK.
/thread rekt
>Destruction still can't summon Pit Lords
>Affliction still can't summon Dread Lords
>Demonology still can't summon cute Eredar sluts Tyrant doesn't count
It's not that hard to make warlocks fun, so why can't they?
it was a huge success. The first months was a fucking blast. Full servers, good times. Of course nobody plays it anymore because everyone beat it and did all the content. they made a fuck ton of cash on it, fun times where had, how can you say it failed?
Op confirmed retard. Classic brought wow back to wrath launch number of subs and pre-orders for shadowlands currently beats all other expansions.
i watched these again recently
still makes me laugh
fun not allowed goyem
I think it's very linear and has nothing to add replayability. It's not fail, but rather, it's just over (almost).
Too much tryhards. Though it really can’t be helped because there’s a drought of good dungeons up until maraudon, and by the point you can even run it everyone has reached 60 and established their position in raiding guilds.
I might resub for BC or wrath but I doubt there’s anything to return to for a casul like me
>Download Classic, learn how to chat to people, make friends, adventure, play it and realize this is what a real MMO is
WoW killed MMO
Clearing raids in less that 30 minutes wasn’t part of the classic experience.
but it didnt fail.
in fact it was so successful that TBC Classic is virtually guaranteed
It still failed in the eyes of investors because classic MMORPG's are not a growing genre.
It's not dead, it's just not going to recover.
The only way an MMO breaks out of the small genre fanbase is if it's based on something else, like selling waifu png lootboxes etc.
Financiers would rather invest the money they spent on WoW classic on a mobile game that has much greater earning potential, even a money printer like WoW is considered a failure because the money could be invested better in something else.
Also i want to cum inside elf.
>pre-orders for shadowlands currently beats all other expansions.
Because of everyone in classic whining about retail?
played it super hard until this month, but now I might just unsub and wait for TBC. All my friends went to other raiding guilds because they want to steamroll naxx day one, I can't reliably get world buffs because rends/zgs are more rare and people dispel/kill their own faction, too many people quitting the game, plus grinding mats for naxx is cancer. Kind of seems like classic has just become too tryhard for me to enjoy without playing with friends.
Classic didn't fail, it's just in the end of its lifecycle, and people say the population drop is exactly the same it always was at this point (even pservers).
> pre-orders for shadowlands currently beats all other expansions
Is it going to cost more after launch?
>classic MMORPG's are not a growing genre
neither are modern mmorpgs lol
>classic pleb
where are my pserver homies at
>It still failed in the eyes of investors
Why do you fags post such easily disproved retardation like this when literally fucking anyone can go watch the share holder meetings and read the financial reports and see Activision was over the fucking moon with Blizzards Classic.