it's fucking happening
It's fucking happening
Give me it on PC or fuck you
After seeing the Demon's souls remake I don't even want this
Same. XIII remake fucked up, what makes you think they will do this justice?
the only thing that I see that's good is that Steve Ellis is overseeing the development
>google amp
slice your neck advertising bot
why only 2? do all 3 you lazy shitters
probably because the already managed to port over TS2 to PC
The DAH remake was really good so I trust THQ Nordic to handle timesplitters well
If they add online multiplayer with the map editor on PC I will literally cum
I prefer 1 but whatever I'll play it if real.
Need FP remake with online MP and a way to share maps
I hope that they'll make it TS2 campaign and TS1+2 multiplayer content.
Also, not plastic cartoony graphics like DAH remake.
Why 2?
Future Perfect is better in every way
Because this is THQ Nordic, not Ubisoft.
I don't entirely agree but I love em both and the fan projects are as doomed as SS13 remakes.
let's be honest here bros, a modern timesplitter just wouldn't be very good.
With future perfect you have
>Captain Ash during WW1 fighting the Austrio-Hungarian army in a castle
>Harry Tipper and his James Bond parody
>Jo-Beth Casey and the wacky haunted mansion
>the cyberpunk levels with Anya that are essentially Perfect Dark
>All the future levels with the shittalking robot bro
With 2 you get
>Goldeneye Dam remake
>Notre Dame
>wild west
>1920s Chicago
>planet x
You also get no partners to fight with, no story or cutscenes in 2 except before and after every mission
I like the variety of 2 alot more, but future perfect has fun story and character interactions while 2 has none
I'd rather have a Future Perfect remake desu
>Steve Ellis has "unfinished business"
oooh mama he's gonna be overseeing this shit when it becomes an actual thing
Finally, been waiting for something to show up ever since I heard they acquired the IP (also the first time I seriously considered trying to apply for a job in a industry I know nothing about all based on some small news article, not that I ever did)
Go THQ Nordic :)
For one it's THQ Nordic and I haven't seen anything that have popped up any red flags for me personally on the contrary any company that decides to acquire the TimeSplitters IP and on that conduct themselves like they have is not only a good company in my book but a great one with actual interest in and passion for games
ur the only one who does
I would be more excited if it weren't for Deep Silver hanging off THQ Nordic like a tumor.
> remake
Dude I just want proper ports with some additional control options.
I really hope they bundle in some Timesplitters 1 content as additional content. TS1 will likely never get remade, but I still would hate to see it get discarded completely.
I used to look up her skirt a lot
Why THE FUCK they will do a remake if they were developing a direct sequel to future perfect before it got cancelled?
This fucking remake madness is so fucking bad, they will cut a lot of content, and im talking about one of the games most rich in content ever
>any company that decides to acquire the TimeSplitters IP is good
crytek would like a word with you
based. 1 is the ultimate casual filter and had the best character designs. 2 is still the best overall tho
What were Crytek thinking?
>buy small indie dev
>take musician and put him into a game but don't let him actually handle the music, but give it to a famous musician
>take this small indie dev and have them do a sequel to one of the worst big budget FPS ever which is also the last thing they would ever want to do (a semi realistic fps)
best map is mall (supermarket) (ts1 exclusive)
Care to elaborate seeing as I have never said anything bad about CryTek except maybe that I was a bit disappointed with Crysis 3, it was fun and all but I don't know it felt a bit meh, if I remember correctly I enjoyed the second one better especially the multiplayer on small maps felt a lot more tight.
It wasn't bad in any sense of the word it just I don't know if it was a bit rushed it just felt a bit all over the place I don't know how to explain it seeing as it was quite a while since I've played it and maybe I had too high expectations
Timesplitters 1 maps looked like PS1.5, so odd.