
I thought the first one was a fine game but never played either of the sequels

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Not very good. The writing is dull, the areas are designed like MMO zones, and the UI is absolute crap. Better than 2, at least, but that's a pretty low bar.

Dragon Age sucks beyond Origins. 2 had a bunch of issues that dragged it down superhard in the gameplay department and Inquisition is a legit single player mmorpg where the immense majority of the content is fetch quests in areas that just aren't interesting enough to explore. The few interesting story twists scattered between them aren't worth suffering through the gameplay.

Also I don't think I've ever cringed so hard at a scene as the Inquisition breaking into a song.

Dragon Age was never a good series.

The first was a bog standard fantasy ancient evil awakens plotline with gay sex.

The second was a bog standard fantasy church bad plotline with gay sex.

The third was a shitty singleplayer MMO ancient evil awakens plotline with gay sex.

I like it. It's overall worse than 1 but especially the DLCs are very well worth it.

Trespasser was actually pretty dope, but it's definitely not worth playing the rest of the game for.

For a second I thought that art was a half-dragon with a fire sword and I got hype it was a better game.

Isn't that just Divinity 2, though?

pretty much my same thoughts

It's DA2, except less interesting and an MMO.

>game crashes if you don't have love interest in the last cutscene
Based, incels btfo. Shouldn't have patched it.

The only interesting parts are when your character from origins is referenced

The core game was dull as mud to me. I did enjoy the online co-op a lot though and really wish that would have been expanded upon.

I love DA:O a lot, still play it from time to time.
DA2 is a terrible sequel and Witcher 2 made it look like a fucking joke- it set this entire board on fire for almost 6 months.
DA:I is a middling experience that tries to marry both but uses too much MMO design to make up for it's over-bloated world. But it's far and away the best game BioWare has released since 2011. It just has an identity problem.

waaaah optional gay romance game bad

Best game ever. I prefer DA2 over it though but DA:I is amazing.

Attached: DragonAgeInquisition 2020-09-16 03-42-07-08.jpg (1920x1080, 170.01K)

The dwarf one was mediocre imo.

>The writing is dull

No it isn't. Only some characters like Sera, Dorian and Iron Bull are shit because t hey only exist as self inserts.

Attached: DragonAgeInquisition 2020-09-16 21-09-58-53.jpg (1920x1080, 179.29K)

>i prefer DA2 over it
opinion immediately discarded

Yeah that huge black guy with giant horns at BioWare really fucked up putting himself in the game like that.

>cringed so hard at a scene as the Inquisition breaking into a song.

Bet you were literally in tears with Witcher 3 shitty Priscilla song though. You're a retard

Attached: DragonAgeInquisition 2020-09-17 05-17-35-19.jpg (1920x1080, 146.75K)

Are you that user that avatar posts with that one character in bg3 threads

It's too bad that EA forced them to call it 2 because if it was marketed as a stand-alone spin-off/expansion it would've been received a lot better.

No? I haven't even played Witcher 3 at all. And song scenes never fucking make me cry. Best I can ever hope for is that they won't make me cringe.

> This obsessed with gay sex

Are you ok?

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I'm not saying it's good or bad, just that it was used as selling point for the games.

> Witcher 2 made it look like a fucking joke

Holy coping

Attached: DragonAge2 2020-09-30 19-59-54-94.jpg (1920x1080, 134.46K)

Garbage, worse than 2 but I liked the combat if only the enemies weren't so spongey

No, it wasn't. Romance in general was.
Gay people exist, user. I know that angers you but you should probably accept it.


Attached: bg3_2020_10_09_20_41_45_369.jpg (1920x1080, 126.62K)

Combat, writing and level design are MMO-tier. Don't waste your time.

Priscilla's song wasn't a sing-a-long musical montage set to the tune of the game's main theme

Why do homophobes always get btfod

Attached: DragonAgeInquisition 2020-09-16 16-05-07-64.jpg (1920x1080, 127K)

Story sucks, it's just people wanking you about how cool you are. DA2's story and characters are better but the gameplay is such fucking dogshit it's painful.

>Gay people exist
Nah, the chinks will take care of them in a decade or two.

it 100% is, he's using the same filename format and has another Farquaad character. And he's avatarposting right now

Ah, her bad then, she should have started yodeling.

Attached: DragonAgeInquisition 2020-09-23 20-21-32-85.jpg (1920x1080, 153.02K)

why are all of your characters so fucking ugly, bud

> This much coping


Attached: DragonAgeInquisition 2020-09-16 20-57-58-57.jpg (1920x1080, 173.6K)

Don't bother, it's a 6/10 at the absolute best.

Nah, you're wrong. They showed off the elf assassin guy and talked about how you could romance him as either gender. Same shit with Mass Effect and Liara. Maybe you're too young, or arguing in bad faith, I dunno. But you're wrong.

I was fucking there. I bought DA2 the first day, it was one of the first games I ever pre-ordered. Bought all the dlc. Defended it on this very board while people made Hamburger Hepler memes.
Then Witcher 2 came out and blew it the fuck out of the water- CDPR even directly compared their game to DA2 saying
>we look better

I didn't even play Witcher 2 until a few weeks ago, I'm not even finished with it yet. Game has some serious fucking issues with combat but it is so much more engrossing and well-written than half of DA2 is.

I like the series user. DA2 is an average experience with some interesting ideas (I think choosing between three main versions of Hawke that can independently side with two amoral factions is an excellent concept that should be explored more since it eliminated the Good v Bad systems of the past). Problem is that the game was advertised as a full-fledged sequel which it simply isn't and it betrayed the expectations of the fans at the time- again, I would know I'm one of them.

Just to prove my point: The Blood Mage specialization.
Not once does the game ever acknowledge if you are a blood mage despite how much that would rock the narrative and even in Inquisition, Hawke is implied to *hate* blood mages no matter what version you imported. There's no Circle to visit so you never have any reason to side with Templars as a mage, and vice-versa for Templars siding with mages.

This is a direct result of the story team and the game design team having extremely limited contact with each other during development because it was so rushed.

inb4 reddit spacing, fuck you

Great game if you have autism

Between the UI and the combat it feels like a mobile game.

Yes. They showed off how you could romance him. The fact he is bisexual is incidental.
That would be what I just fucking said.

All my characters are gorgeous macho men, you're just jelly

Attached: DRAGONBORn.png (1080x1920, 2.5M)

you are so fuckin' 5'11"