next year lads
Next year lads
die pedo
>10 year old has hip to waist ratio
>after roid-filled milk
>100% accurate
based pedo
Sinnoh is the worst Pokémon region and if GameFreak do remake it I hope they completely butcher it.
>>>/reddit/ is that way
God I fucking hope not
Don't fucking touch Gen 4, you Gamefreak kikes
so why exactly is sinnoh so bad?
I remember playing it and thinking it was pretty standard stuff. Not great, certainly, but not the gargabe that everybody says it is.
Dude, it's fucking gamefreak. You don't have to hope they are gonna butcher it, I guarantee they absolutely will butcher it.
I cant wait to play my childhood all over again
I know it isn't in OP's pic but what spawned the meme of giving dawn blue striped panties
delete this, dawn is for houndoom cock only
Give me your hat
Shimapan was really popular around the time of DP's release
But she looks better with white panties anyways
what is this?
goes with her color scheme?
Blue shimapan is the 2nd most popular pantsu to draw after plain white
I really wish this dude didn't draw so much fur shit. The rest of their stuff is good
big wailord cock
Fuck remakes, just re-release Platinum on the eshop with working online like Gen 1-2 on the 3DS
Buisel's Wet Cock
Dawn being groomed by Cynthia is still the tightest shit
I'm going to need to see some evidence of that claim
big white ____
they are gonna ruin her like they did may.
it's november, user
so you've never seen that one candydoll vid
It's not. The worst Pokemon region can't be Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh or Unova. The only people who disagree are Zig Forums contrarians usually. The worst region is probably Kalos or something.
Floatzel hands typed this post