Game with stealth

>game with stealth
>you can knock enemies out with a single hit
lol that's not how it works in real li-

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No. What's funny is assuming it's the "non-lethal" option. If you get brain blasted so hard you lose consciousness you've either started an internal hemorrhage in your brain which is potentially fatal or cracked the skull and sent bone spurs into your brain which is always fatal.

What is this about?

context pls?

Nazis jerking themselves off in DC yesterday beat up randos on the street after the Red Hat superspreader event finished.

>people who love this country are nazis
thanks for the laff m8

Wut. Ive been KO'd before in a mosh pit, got caught with a stray elbow right on the chin and came to on the floor.

lady with knife threatening to kill people

Joe Biden will be President of the United States this January. Cope.

Not him, but I'm in DC right now. They are just beating up random people they come across. Cops are already here but they ain't interfering with either group acting like niggers.

faked footage for politics-fag clicks

Is that supposed to make anyone angry? So? He won.

Reminder that fascists are not people and deserve to hang.

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Hoping she died from this, doubt it though

The Nazis beat my ass again. I played the whole Wolfenstein saga again and again and they still handed my ass like nothing.
I'm asking for a refund

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Yeah, it's a shame.

You don't know anything retard

>love this country
>don't believe in democracy and actively try to undermine it
good one

Looks like false flag. Libsshits and Democrats always do this

holy freaking based
btw kill nigs lmao bottom text


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Chud thread

Why is Zig Forums now just Zig Forums with a veneer of video games on top?

That is a pretty impressive punch there.

>false flag
I don't know where they're finding all these bald, bearded militia larpers from that have tactical vests and beat up people walking out of shops. Or why they have so many pickups just laying around.


Meh, 7/10 all about brute force, charging it like that was useless, and it would have always been better as straight punch
t. Martial artist fag

there is a millisecond of regret which is beneficial, and he corrects the trajectory, because landing that could end up killing that dude and him having a broken hand

could you imagine if trump won?

all you emotional queens having the freak out of the century?

You never had a brain to begin with faggot

it’s been this way since at least 2009 bruh

Although you're right that it's not really 'non-lethal' because it can cause serious damage or death, That's not how getting knocked out works, retard.

>being this over dramatic just for an excuse to LARP

this is why people think liberalism is a mental disease, along with trannies etc etc. no hate, but you people are goofy and crazy lol.

It's been like that since 2016. The election ruined Zig Forums and the spillover ruined the rest of the site.

Havent heard Trump's concession speech yet have you? Get ready to chimp out and destroy a few more cities because this goes to the supreme court

What are some games where I can win in ways that aren't expected? I'm thinking like "given two options, punch the person giving you options in the face" tier stuff.

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Is funny how she was keeping her cellphone in the photos, that did truly meant something if you ask me.


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BLM member pulled a knife at the trump march and got clocked

There' a hilarity in someone saying they aren't mad yet bothering to make that image you posted.

>And just like that, you could see all the same people that the day before supported fascism cheer up for Mussolini's death simply out of cowardice, their neck under the boot of the foreigner, and then they told their kids and grandkids that they were the antifascists all along...
The next time we will be more selective on who gets to live after the second regime is established

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Dutch came back for one last fight against the Predator.


I'm not even american, faggot. I just hate call center niggers.

You a lil PUSSY bitch

>cheer up for Mussolini's death simply out of cowardice
Imagine only being able to beat Ethiopians by cheating and then failing to invade Greece, but still larping as a Roman emperor

As he says as the trumpers is trashing the capital as we speak kek

I can't help but watch the how the legs just sorta tumble. It looks weird.

I second it, those faggots at bunkerchan made their own page yet they still coming here.

look up "concussions"

>Muh when you use bombs it's cheating
It's time you dilate

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>Lose against Vietnamese farmers

not over-run with slacktivists, that's 2012

Just another day in America.

Like Trumptards are doing right now?

>Not dum-dum bullets and mustard gas

literally just marching until the lowest common denominator enters the scene with their passive aggressive rage for being the strange offspring of humanity lol

chill bro, let them wave their flags and have that too offensive as well?

merican flaggies are bad huh? merican flaggies hurt muh' fweelings, huh?

lel chill bro

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Cant believe you guys still eat up race war propaganda when we should all be focusing on the class divide. Yes i know its hard when lots of minorites support BLM movement but you have to understand it comes from a place of unjust with their country and it covers a wide arrange of ideas depending on who you ask.

>people who love this country burning the country down
thats not how it works user

>WTF NO YOU CAN'T JUST use chemical weapons to win against sandniggers outnumbering you 1:100

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You didn't stay "KO'd" for a fucking hour though, dumbass. Any longer than ten seconds at most and there'd be something fucked in your head.

Damn, that retard got destroyed

that was probably the most telegraphed punch in the history of punching. why didn't the guy make any attempt to move out of its trajectory?

>I played the whole Wolfenstein saga again and again and they still handed my ass like nothing.

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>he says as the trumpers is trashing the capital as we speak
You mean antifa niggers? Trump supporters were just showing their support and having a great time until the DC niggers started attacking them, telling them to fuck off and throwing shit at them

And yet it's that ONE TIME a local guerrilla army was defeated