i cant tell if im supposed to go even slower or what exactly am I doing wrong since it feels almost impossible to not take damage from the human enemies unless i manage to make them move and shoot them during that
My biggest problem with half-life is the marines being hitscan and very spongy. It's way less of a problem on medium and easy obviously but then you just get way more health and armor from stations. Honestly the best balance seems to be just playing on medium and not saving.
im not "complaining", if anything its just changing my perception of HL1 since ive always played it on normal and now that I started a run on hard it put a complete wrench into the fast paced twitchy run and gun and jumping around playstyle while also instantly fucking with the sense of lightning bolt pacing I thought the game originally had on top of being somewhat forced to understand how the actual "gunplay" and combat system works
Joshua Anderson
Stock up on good ammo like revolver rounds, and use them on the most dangerous enemies. Don't bother killing things you can get around easily (unless it's a segment where you're stuck in an area with them for a while).
Bentley Brooks
>marines were even more obnoxious in black mesa on hard from what I remember Yeah, they were just annoying in Black Mesa. No reaction time, they always instantly turn to face you. And Black Mesa removed a lot of cover, so you're just shooting at eachother from incredibly long ranges
Gavin James
t. man with a mullet
Ian Watson
Mp5 sucks balls unless in spitting distance. Any firefight with marines should be pistols at distance and shotguns for any dumbass who gets close to you.
Dylan Kelly
Play faster. The marines are tactical, if you aren't moving around you're making it easier for them to position themselves. Despite being from late 90s their AI is pretty unmatched in an FPS, except for their clunky movement.
Adrian Ward
Explosives, actually.
>Despite being from late 90s their AI is pretty unmatched in an FPS hmmm
Isaiah Morris
>half-life >hard nigga i was able to finish the game on hard while i was just nine
Marines and the hitscan enemies are unironically one of the biggest flaws with HL1, it's a nice game but holy shit Marines are a pain in the ass, so I sympathise with you, unfortunately it's better to just turn down the difficulty and enjoy the ride.
Half-Life's difficulties are unbalanced as shit though. Older games like Doom did difficulties far better than HL1 did.
Jason Sanchez
Use the pistol and revolver, the MP5 is far to inaccurate and it takes almost a full mag of it to kill one marine. Try using explosives, like baiting them into tripmines.
Cameron Perez
Spam SMG grenades on marines. HL1 fucking showers you with them and you can carry up to 10
also git gud HL is not hard.
Jayden Stewart
>Older games like Doom did difficulties far better than HL1 did. >OG Doom UV is a joke >devs add Nightmare difficulty as a literal joke
Cameron Lopez
It's still better than HL's unbalanced difficulty. For peak difficulty balancing, I'd have to say Marathon handles it perfectly.
Hudson Gomez
You have to understand their AI a bit. Doing enough damage in a short amount of time forces them to retreat.
If a group is approaching you, unload into a single marine, he'll then fall back, then focus on another, rinse and repeat.
Use powerful weapons like the magnums and crossbows. Toss out grenades, not for the damage, but to make them scatter.
And that's basically it, just keep them moving and scattering.
I really like that the fem assassins have cloaks on hard. I wish they'd been used more, and that all enemies reacted to sounds around them.
Camden Cook
>go even slower The opposite actually, but you have to know the game better first. I'd recommend medium if this is your first playthrough.
Jack Clark
But I don't even know how people could find HL hard. All you have to do is dodge incoming fire and use cover. If you see an enemy you can take, and see that they're about to attack, just don't stand still.
Levi Morgan
They redid the marine ai in the 1.0 update, and also changed a bunch of the arenas for better design.
Cameron Nelson
>Linear-Life >Hard jesus christ you zoomers always dissapoint me
The dirty cheat is to just play the game like an arena Deathmatch. Never stop moving around enemies and don't be stupid. Don't let yourself get surrounded, which you practically have to force to happen on your end so it's always your fault.
Gabriel Russell
>using linear as an insult Doom is linear. It's time to stop pretending your playthroughs of Doom stages differ in any meaningful way.