>yfw you will never raise a chuunibyou daughter
>adorning her ward robe with lingerie bodices, sheer stockings, eye patches and all manner of fetish fuel
>yfw you will never raise a chuunibyou daughter
>adorning her ward robe with lingerie bodices, sheer stockings, eye patches and all manner of fetish fuel
Other urls found in this thread:
for once my wife is popular, hopefully this means she'll get some costumes down the line.
Okay now somebody tell me how Elemental Mastery works
I have Fischle that I wanted to use as a support for my Diluc. Would elemental mastery be smart for her to make Dilucs Overload stronger, or will it only work if the mastery is given to him
So who was the bad guy in Liyue?
Tartaglia was manipulated.
Ninguang seized the power of the gods for herself.
Keqing came up with the idea of kicking out the gods from Liyue.
Tentacle monster just wanted to be free and eat everyone.
The fatui soldiers were following Tartaglia's orders.
Signora made a perfectly legal deal that should have had no casualties.
Zhongli manipulated everyone because he wanted to retire.
Who was in the wrong here?
Fischl PV:
Do you really think anyone is even smart enough to answer this?
>Childe is an insane DPS and probably the best one in the game so far
>mfw I see lucklets claim he's shit because they didn't get him
Shouldn't have blown your rolls on Klee.
to bad she is a archer which is shit in this game
also too bad she is stuck in a shit chink game
No the lack of design is what makes him bad. his kit is counterintuitive until you hit c6. It is factually more of a DPS gain to switch to someone else when he's out of melee.
No amount of stance switching/animation canceling makes his bow useable at all. The fact that every Constellation he gets doesn't even enhance the bow proves this.
He is not this mixed attacker that takes skill to play, they should rework his E to have an enhanced bow/melee form, have the bow do better aoe and the melee do better single target.
Read the in game books, user.
Mastery only matters for the one triggering, as the trigger element determines the damage.
Do you prefer JSs or JCs Zig Forums?
So what do you recommend for my Fischl
I got him and still prefer Ningguang as main DPS, she's just too fucking good.
Yeah but Klee is cute. Childe isn't. Saving for Dendro loli and Ayaka.
Tartaglia for trying to drown a city I need for weekly gathering.
I have both Klee and Tortilla. f2p btw
think you should just focus on giving her ATK for big numbers with her ASC4 passive
It's better to have the one triggering it to have the more elemental mastery, so in your case diluc. It should also be noted that the elemental reaction electro->pyro is relatively a little stronger than doing pyro->electro.
If your electro character has way more elemental mastery than your pyro character then pyro->electro would be stronger ofc.
i am not a degenerate so no
He is burst dps, rather than constant, in that he's more similar to Ning than Diluc, Klee or Keqing
>Who was in the wrong here?
Everyone but Childe was the most malicious here
Ning and Keq have their own ideas on how the country should continue, its more about rejecting tradition in the name of progress rather than being "bad guy"
I'm fucking triggered by that red little gnome. What the fuck were they thinking, adding a terrorist? I got fucking flashbacks from 9/11 and hyperventilated so hard I had to be put on oxygen as frightening imagery of innocent Americans dying in explosions filled my head. I weren't there but I feel the pain of every great American. Me and many fellow Americans will drag this chink company to court and sue them into bankruptcy, and Zig Forums will thank us for saving them from this dangerous game.
Any reason why she is the most popular character after the mascot?
she get the most arts
>American needs clear cut bad guy
Ning isn't burst DPS tho. She is meant to stay on the fight and kill everyone while dashing through her door.
>hang loli
>He is burst dps
His DPS phase lasts 30 seconds though, the only reason he can be considered burst is because he does DPS so well you never need the whole 30 seconds.
Ning isn't a burst dps.
I'm black
It's against my nature
>his kit is counterintuitive
it's actually pretty intuitive but people are just bad. Looking forward to all the cope when they realize it a month later (remember when people thought bennet/xingqiu were trash) only for his banner to be gone by then.
JCs because they're older but still not hags.
then what is she?
is childe worth pulling? I know people hype up xiao and zhongli but an actual concrete comparison would be appreciated
Wait for Ayaka
Best DPS so far.
probably good cause hes literally anemo razor with 5star scaling
meme just like geo in general
Normal dps. Give her Prototype Malice and she spams her ult every couple seconds while healing the whole team at the same time.
Worst 5 star DPS so far.
Childe is S tier if you have the proper artifacts
People thought bennet was bad because they didn't bother reading his skills besides that was when the game first came out and there was very little community outside of discords.
Xingqiu NEEDS sacrificial sword to make him as good as he can be. Without sacrificial he's very mediocre unless you have someone generating orbs for him.
Childe is just fucking unintuitive, there's NO benefit to bow form outside of charged shots and it's Q form, but the thing is you don't really want to switch, you're either doing Melee or Bow, and we know from testing melee is 100% better and the most optimal thing to do is just to burn all of your Melee then switch out.
Unless you've shelled out 2k in which case he's the best DPS in the game.
He's highly overrated, just like Venti and Diluc.
JC is peak performance, JS is fine if it doesn't look like a gremlin
Don't bother unless you can get him at c6 he's not fun.
>mfw I crafted the book insteadof prot. malice
well thanks for making me waste resources, Zig Forums
is Childe really that high IQ to use? when i go to melee stance i just alternate between tapping and holding the attack button to drown everything in cum because it's not like there's fucking anything else to do
DPS. Learn to use her faggot.
She has one of the lowest energy Qs in the entire game. You can even spam it and charge it before the cool down even ends if you give her a proper weapon.
There are some autism videos that describe how Elemental Mastery Work but I'll make it simple for you.
Melt and Vaporize, Freeze and Shatter are % multiplies to damage, either 50% or 100%. That's all.
For every other reaction, like Swirl/Electrify/Superconduct etc the damage is NOT based on your ATK or weapon or anything. The damage of those reactions is based only on:
>Elemental Mastery
>Character level
>Defending target's resistance
Also note that those are dependent on the character that triggers the reaction.
Suppose you use Lv1 Barbara to apply Wet to a monster, and then a Lv80 Fischl with high Elemental Mastery to trigger the reaction. It will do big damage.
If you do the opposite(Use high lvl Fischl to apply Electro and set it off using low level Barbara) it will do shit damage.
As a general rule, Anemo characters are the best for EM because Swirl can only be activating element, but if that's not part of your team then you should put EM on the user that applies elemental ticks the SLOWEST.
He's not, pretty much your highest DPS is just staying in with him then switching out. Anything else is a meme.
Prototype is always the best weapon to craft in every weapon. Prove me wrong.