>there are people on this board who couldn't afford to buy the new consoles
You DID get both right user?
There are people on this board who couldn't afford to buy the new consoles
i have a pc bro
I own both pc and consoles and think it's utterly retarded to buy a console on launch.
but why, there's like 3 games between the 2
>every xbox exclusive is on PC
>PS5 has like 3 games
i'll consider a PS5 when it's sub $300 so I can play PS4 games that I missed and any PS5 games that aren't ported.
>new consoles
>room is a disaster
>wires everywhere
>tv is on the floor
>dirty clothes just piled up in the corner
>capeshit dvd
another mindless consoomer on minimum wage who thinks they're rich
you don't have enough tangled cords on your floor
yeah ok but why
what games are there?
Maybe if you didn't waste money on children's toys you wouldn't live in such squalor.
what the fuck man clean that shit up
Of course a Phili fag is messy
>is so insecure about being poor he has to buy useless shit to show how not poor he is
>can't afford furniture because he spent all his savings on consoles that have no games
On Section 8
still buying Plastic Trash ...
do Americans realy???
Go afford someone to clean up that dirty ass mess too nigger
I have a PC and Switch. I'm good.
Life at mom's house kek
Call me back when you have shelves to put your toys on instead of piling them on the floor.
literally this, ps5 and xbox bring absolutely nothing to the table. biggest retard tax of the year by far.
I'm glad for consolebros, they can finally play at 60fps.
>there are people on this board who buy overpriced garbage while living in a messy cuckshed
I have a PC and Switch. Picked up a clearanced out Xbox One X super early in the year and have been playing a couple of games on that in the living room and it's nice and convenient. I don't feel the urge, or think it's worth buying either of the next gen consoles yet.
>at checker boarded 4k
>You DID get both right user?
I got neither since there's no real must-have games for either, there's no interesting LEs for either, and the two are just too bulky and unwieldy for me to be assed to try and fit them in my setup.
Why is the PS5 so ugly?
i'm white user
Not at scalper prices
>this is the person who calls you a poorfag for not wasting money