I don't feel too good, sony bros

I don't feel too good, sony bros.

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should have bought a switch
those controllers have no issues

I’m retarded? His tattoo is bleeding onto his controller?

Shitch is awful though

t's so bizarre to me that microsoft is now the only company making quality controllers

what schizory is this?


The absolute state of Dualcope

Maybe if he'd wash his fucking hands it wouldn't be an issue

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I'd swap bodies with him

No one is impressed by some faggy ink. How about you tattoo some muscle on your body fag?

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I don't see how it's paint. It is probably his dirty ass hands. The white parts of the controller are covered in Playstation button symbols. The dude probably touched some greasy shit like fixing a pipe or working on a care and touched his controller.

best console ever

why is he messaging some random twitter account instead of sending it back


I think it's saying the PS5 controller poisons you because your hands will absorb the paint.

That's the real question. I wonder if he's at his house waiting for a new ps5 controller to show up.

You can barely see the symbols in the picture. and none of them are not white. It's inbetween the symbols where all the black shit is. Dude has grease on his hands and left dirt all over the controller.

it's not even the best nintendo console

I never needed to wash my hands to play video games before

You are a disgusting slob

You actually really do. It's how your analogs and buttons get gunked up and need either replaced or cleaned out.
Especially last gen with the Shoddy as shit controllers all trying to reinvent the fucking analog.

Do you "people" not wash your hands before playing games?

Why is Zig Forums spending so much time spreading PS5 FUD on Zig Forums, a place full of PC port beggars and pirates who can't afford consoles so therefore hate consoles already?
Talk about an uphill battle. You can't stop if from being successful, especially by doing it like this.

>I don't see how it's paint.
It 100% is not paint because that would be much more expensive than making the part out of white plastic.

plastic needs to be painted though

>Cosmetic issue
>I just want a """FUNCTIONAL""" controller
No one can be this stupid.

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my is gucci... sounds like bad qa because of corona... the packaging is super simple too. It's nice.

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It does. but it doesn't get a coat of paint. it molded into the plastic as a whole. So the plastic is the same color all the way through, It won't rub paint off because you will be rubbing off plastic instead of paint.

All of the filthiest people I've lived with had this exact mentality. I guarantee your hands aren't magical and they get dirty like every other human.

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Because MS has unironically managed to brainwash enough retards to do their shilling for them on Zig Forums. Everyone forgot about the bullshit during the Xbox One days, everyone forgot that the 360 introduced a plethora of anti-consumer things that Sony started copying. You can talk normally about the PS5 during Euro hours, but it's downright impossible when Americans are awake due to their autistic patriotism/brand loyalty to the Xbox brand.
Not to mention obvious falseflags getting 20+ replies, most likely from the initials posters friends

how is the dpad? ds4 was a complete disappointment compared to the vita.

All of that only happened because Snoy killed SEGA and started shittalking PCs during their PS2 hype campaign where they spread FUD about any form of competition all over every form of media they could.
Snoy is the embodiment of all that's wrong with videogames now, fuck Snoy and fuck the DVD player, ruined videogames forever.

not as good as vita, but I think it's on par or maybe a bit better than DS4, all I know is it feels very competent and never makes me miss inputs in spelunky and emulators.

It was amazing how fast they normalized paid online.

Sega killed themselves. If you haven't been looking into Sega's recent endeavors than you should. They own Atlus but port nothing. They dump millions into Sonic but keep the same team that forgot how sonic works making games. Their only successful ventures are Yakuza and Arcades and the corona is kicking their arcades in the teeth right now.
Sega has nobody to blame but themselves for their failure.

Sega killed itself

> Human lymph nodes loaded with tattoo ink
What's the fucking relevance of that? Is the implication that somebody is literally retarded enough to believe that paint rubbing off of a video game controller is the same thing as tattoo ink being injected into your skin?

> The aux port stopped working after 20 min
Yes, some people are stupid.

Either the man has Dirty ass hands and needs to wash up or the black parts of the controller (triggers, face plate, and the two sides.) are bleeding into the controller.

Chances are he's just a dirty fuck. dude lives in NYC.

This is what retards get for buying a console at launch and not waiting for the inevitable slim/pro versions

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