A boy had a dream
A girl had a passion
A stranger had a mission
And the world will forever know their Skies of Arcadia thread
A boy had a dream
The only thing I remember nowadays of this game is pretty much every battle near the end being Feena using that one move that healed everyone and always went first almost every single turn.
That's funny, because the only thing I remember was human Sticks using that one delta triangle(?) move.
Playing this on Dreamcast now. What the heck is this battle system? What do the colors even mean?
>Playing on Dreamcast
Why do this to yourself?
>stopped playing 2 weeks ago after getting the blue moon gem in mt. fuji
I should get back to playing.
I own it on Dreamcast.
So they definitely had a 3-way at some point right?
How long have you owned it?
Vyse canonically ends up with both of them so I'd say it's fairly likely.
they're also the best valkyria chronicles characters
The colors on your weapons are twofold: one, xp you earn after battles will go towards that magic 'school'(i.e., win a battle with green weapons, you get xp that lets you learn more/stronger green spells). You can mix and match them to get xp for multiple schools.
Also, depending on the region you're in, you can also do more or less damage against enemies in that region. IIRC, it goes, green < red < blue < yellow < silver < green.
Shit nigga you got more fucking dump that shit
I didn't save too many
Assisting with the one I've got that every SoA thread should have...
Reminder that the localization team literally threw the script out and re-wrote this game based on their love of Joss Whedon.
It's the best version. GC version completely ruined the audio.
The change/downgrade in audio was indeed a critical hit, but adding in more sidequests, Piastol, and drastically reducing the encounter rate are arguably fair compromises for that loss.
Replayed the GC version with the Maeson Mod. It was good at making the battles a little more challenging but really the base game is just kind of shit. Super boring, super repetitive, boring "Optimistic pirates that never steal or kill or do anything pirates actually do" story. Top tier waifus + ship + gigas designs tho
>GC version completely ruined the audio.
The audio still sounds fine, compression notwithstanding. And the extra content and lowered encounter rates more than make up for it
It's not a one-way path. Purple is good against pretty much everything but green, for instance.
>posting faggot shit
I played it back in 2002 or so and honestly I loved the everloving fuck out of it. I didn't play the gamecube version, mainly because I didn't like how the music sounded. Maybe someday. I loved exploring around, that's for sure.
All I wanted was to get her in the squad, was that too much to ask for.
20 years later and he is still one of the coolest party members of all time. How did he do it?
this nigga trained his fucking parrot to smoke a cigar