Imagine using Linux lmao. Like enjoy all 2 of the games you can install to your PC

Imagine using Linux lmao. Like enjoy all 2 of the games you can install to your PC

Attached: 2C3F16BA-131C-492A-A2CC-096158671572.jpg (850x677, 292.52K)

Only two games...

Name a single game that doesn't work with proton

The only things that don't work are games with anti-cheat.

die tripfag

handball 2017

Once I have the money I'm just gonna get a rig that will be for literally nothing but vidya and I'll put whatever stupid modern Windows shit on it I need to, then get a separate laptop with whatever retard-proof Linux version lets me pretend I'm on a better version of Windows.

all OSs are shit

would use linux if only the frontal audio ports worked with it

anything with EAC