Why do Nintendo fans get so mad when Nintendo makes a game that has anime stylings?
Why do Nintendo fans get so mad when Nintendo makes a game that has anime stylings?
nintenbo should make game where there are no women, niggers or and minorities. just ripped masculine white guys doing masculine stuff
Anime as an artform is actively bottlenecked by the anime aesthetic. Anime games? Doubly so.
>gay twink
Donkey Kong, dummy.
donkey kong has woman and blacks
mario bros arcade
Anime as an artstyle is overdone and usually bland.
Not that I inherently agree with these random youtubers you're forcing into this conversation for no good reason, but that's just my two cents.
arlo is a pedo?
>adult that makes videos exclusively on nintendo games and only plays nintendo games
Donkey Kong literally has caucasian skin tones. Hair is not skin.
It does have women though so you win there.
Everyone is a pedophile until proven innocent here on Twitter- I mean Zig Forums.
>hm, I childishly assert my opinions as objective.
You definitely like Nintendo.
I think the issue more is that people talk about "Nintendo magic" a lot and think it doesn't exist when Nintendo uses the same art style that everyone else does.
BOTW has an anime aesthetic though
>Hm, I'll project a childish attitude onto my opponent instead of actually countering their opinion
You definitely browse Zig Forums in current year.
I remember seeing a post in another thread about how he's not allowed in his own home when certain relatives of his are around.
which one is arlo
They don't.
>Nintendo uses the same art style that everyone else does
That's simply not true. The only case where it is is stuff like Zelda, excluding the Zelda games that divert from its usual artstyle. Otherwise they tend to aim for having unique artstyles.
They're sheltered normalfags that find anything outside of their bubble uncomfortable. They try to rationalise it with things like "too generic" or "haha that anime bullshit is at it again" but the reality is they both see themselves as above it but can't understand it.
I said WHEN they do. Even Zelda, while having an anime-inspired art style, does things differently. A lot of ire is reserved for Fire Emblem, which looks like a game that could be made by absolutely any third-rate developer.
i assure you scott the twink is not above anyone, he's def a bottom
So gay dude, you guys are just, so gay.
They don't?
Ah, I misinterpreted. That makes more sense.
I will never be as angry as that man, its impressive
It's not so much the aesthetic but more that the games don't fit the audience. Types of people who got into Nintendo because of Mario aren't likely to see Fire Emblem and get excited for it when they're looking for more games like Mario to play.
Same reason why people who like specific music genres aren't going to like others.
And now he spends his days shitposting here.
>>gay twink
>he's not gay
That would make sense if the Nintendo landscape wasn't made up of a variety of games and aesthetics.
Those four just get mad because it attracts attention.
The stream he did with Rogersbase where he didn't get a San Andreas reference was the best.
>user believe anonymous person on basket weaving website
There are several kinds of nintendo fanboys.
The biggest nintendo hating base is of nintendo fanboys.
The snoys may hate "nintendo making kiddy games instead of letting games mature" like the retard teens they are, but this kind of hate is no match for someone that used to love the thing and saw it being destroyed and plastified little by little, the man they used to praise like a god turning into into something evil that ruins all games.
So yes, many nintendo fans are just always mad.
How is Roger even friends with this man when they have no interests in common? Roger blew him the fuck out when he said he owns a switch but refuses to expand his taste in games beyond nintendo. Josh doesnt like anime either and is so invested in style over substance.
They should also be hairy and wearing jockstraps, right?
why do tendies hate JRPG's and anime games?
is scott actually gay? he looks like blake mitchell