3x3 Thread? 3x3 Thread

You know the drills, anons. Post em, rate em.

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4/10, nothing particularly interesting, Okami maybe.
5/10, obscure titles, automatic score.

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>Prince of Persia Sands of Time
>Crash Bandicoot 1
>Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition
>Rayman 3
>God of War 2018
>MGS 2
>Final Fantasy 7
>Spider-Man 2018

I think we have quite similar taste in games. Still haven't gotten around to playing the Arkham series yet

idk if I'd call bayo, doom, zelda, and monhun obscure these days but the others maybe.

I see you like superhero games though. How is web of shadows? always looked cool when I was younger. Does it emulate well?

+Black/White, TWEWY, Isaac
Kid Icarus was cool, always prefered the weapons in Bayonetta 2 but the first game was still super fun, way harder though, and Robobot which I'm 90% sure that is was real nice; love me some mecha.
Never played Crash 1 cause it's not on vita, but I did play 2 and like that, curious why the first game though cause I generally see people liking others more.

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well the main reason I have bayo 1 on there instead of bayo 2 is because I haven't finished bayo 2. got distracted by other games at the time. I will replay both games before 3 releases though

That's fair, a lot of people do still prefer the first game though.

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>filename is "my shit taste"
>he actually has pretty good taste

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from what I played I actually preferred bayo 2 but I'll have to finish it before having a solid opinion

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Web of Shadows is in the holy grail of Spider-Man games outside of a graphical standpoint. While the Insomniac games focus heavily on presentation and appealing to the widest audiences possible, it suffers by having no atmosphere. Unlike Web of Shadows. While the story leaves ambiguity and lots of details can slip under your nose, it makes up for the majority of its flaws with its Gameplay. The combat is pretty damn close to a platinum game without it being a platinum game. Spider-Man in this game feels a step above most other adaptations of Spider-Man in terms of abilities. He punches quick and hard, swings and glides like a jet, and feels like he can hold his own, if not outright dominate throughout the game. Everything regarding the gameplay flows and feels smooth in the game for the most part. A hell of a lot of development time went into the animation. There's two rudimentary upgrade systems, one that allows you to buy combat moves using XP gained from Missions, and the other is through emblem collecting, which increases movement speed. The boss fights are very individualized, and there's often plenty of freedom to take out a boss as the player. Some of the voice acting isn't the top of the line, and towards the last quarter of the game cuts and such in the dev cycle start to become more clear, but the game always takes itself seriously. It's a damn innovative game and the PC Port runs at 60 with no problem, though it doesn't look as good as on the consoles ironically. Either way it's a damn great Spider-Man game and it not only holds up, but it emulates well.

Prototype was a really nice game, built off my favorite Spider-Man game's engine. Shame Shaba shut down though. DMC5 is also DMC5, so nothing I can say about that. Is Nier all that impressive besides 2B? I never caught interest.

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Phone posting like a bitch so I don't have mine (W101/UMvC3/SKTT/DDDA/ZOE2 MARS/TFD/ABII&C/MS3/MHGU) but I'll rate.

2/2 (Unova, 4th gen MH)
6/6 (KIU, 4th gen, Bayo, Robobot, DOOM, ARMS)
8.5/8.5 (MvC2, Web, Spidey PS1, Ground Zeroes, BamHam, TFD, Revengeance, W101, DMC5)
Incredible taste.
3/4 (+Crash +DMC3 +Spidey -FFVII)
2/2 (GGXXAC+R, MMX4)
4/4 (DMC5, [Prototype], GTAIV, Custom Robo)
3/3 (Starcraft, Spyro, TTYD)
2/2 (SotC, Sonic CD)

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Technically Crash 2 and 3 are better games than the first, but Crash 1 was literally one of my first handful of PS1 games when my cousin gave me his PS1 when I was 6 or 7, so it holds a special place in my heart

>Descent Freespace: one of the first games I played and still holds up as my favorite game
>Twilight Princess: enjoyed how the dungeons weren't the only aspect of the adventure. There was almost more to do apart from dungeons than there were dungeons
>Metroid Prime: first metroidvania I completed. Lots of fun to traverse and good combat, I love scanning everything, but it's actually the ambient music that made it work
>Mass Effect 2: taken out of context of the rest of the series it's a bombastic space adventure where you fly around the galaxy fighting gangsters and robots with a pure kino ending
>OoS/OoA: the first proper games I ever played. Still hold up as excellent entries of the series even over twenty years later
>Borderlands 2: great villain, fun combat and the game was funny but I'll always treasure the amount of time I spent in this game with my friends
>Pokemon Black 2: a good example of a game having such a load of side content as to keep me interested in it even after completing the main story. Kind of a placeholder
>BotW: just for sheer amount of hours I've put into this game and for how much I enjoyed doing mundane things like sledding, cooking, horse riding. Really wasn't anything I didn't like about this until I started hearing others' opinions
>Halo 3: it's halo 3

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sounds fun. really wish this was on GOG but I guess I can just pirate it anyway. I remember watching trailers for it a long time ago. those stuck with me for some reason

>oracle games
very based

play Cultist Simulator
idk what you should play
>obscure titles
his chart is 7/9 games released by major publishers and the last two, Metro Exodus and In the Woods or whatever it is called, are hardly obscure and all nine are less than a decade old
play Hitman 2016
play Lemmings
play Outer Wilds

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I honestly wish I had connected with platinum more as a kid like others here seemingly did. I was pretty big into pokemon but the games did almost nothing for me even as a kid. Maybe a platinum remake would do something about that but really I think Pokemon just needs a whole new direction. I still have my copy of platinum actually

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>play Outer Wilds
Been thinking of doing that, thanks.
Good taste yourself

yeah it's kind of weird that my top 9 are relatively new games despite growing up with older games. I dunno. I guess it's more about how much I connected with the games.

Yeah yeah I've been beaten over the head with the obscure line but there should've been titles. Oh well though.

+ silent hill 2, smt4
- okami

- nitw

+ mvc2, mgsv, mgr
- batman

+ podd, +r, sotn, gundam breaker, sin and punishment
- ia/vt
~ mary skelter

+ gta 4, dark souls, nier automata, custom robo
- dead rising 2

+ ttyd, fallout, earthbound
~ rayman

+ sa2, cave story, sotc, sonic adventure
~ sonic cd

+ xenoblade, nier, mgs2, nier automata, drakengard 3, mgs3
- twilight princess, platinum

+ dragon's dogma, zoe2, mhgu
- shovel knight, metal slug 3

+ metroid prime, botw
- twilight princess, borderlands

+ mario 3, umihara kawase, lumines, hexen

What's so special about the IA game

>custom robo
amazing taste my man

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What games are you guys planning on playing next? you think they'll affect your 3x3?

Here we go

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I respect it but you're missing out by having a bias against the combat. Considering how sped up Arkham Knights combat is, the speed in City is perfect for all of the characters, and the way in which you're able to build up meter, use it, never getting hit and getting a freeflow bonus is something that puts the game over for me. Beatdown into a SCT, or a D&D, or finishing it off and going into a differing string where you have even more options and more varietys for those options and so on feels good for me. I enjoy freedom and Arkham City has that. It's also very innovative for being rhythm based combat, which is always a plus. Combine all of this with a great and replayable story, easter eggs I'm still finding, graphics, comic accurate atmosphere and extensive debug and mod capabilities and I don't need another Batman game ever.


+ MvC2


+ Starcraft
- risk or rain
- rayman



+ Hexen

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I'm currently thinking about playing the first Dead Space, along with DMC 2-4. I really like the idea of a mute protagonist going through fucked up shit in space even though I'm not a horror fan, and I got into DMC through playing the 5th game through a recommendation. I don't think it'll affect my grid in any way but I'm open to new games that fit my niche or are appealing in a specific way like dead space.

Very strong list. How is Armored Core?