>only 10 mins of new content
>answers none of the looming questions
>only 4 boss battles
>several classics didn't make it
>have to replay the entire series in song mode to get to the new content
>gatcha bullshit
>no more KH till 2022
Anyone else disappointed? First this and now the TWEWY site is back up?
KH melody
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Wait - they put this fucking game on actual consoles? I thought it was a mobile game.
How do you make a entry more pointless than fucking Coded?
Oh, don't worry, Nomura will do something in a game 10 years from now that will require you to remember this game in order to make sense.
We're never getting an ending
By not having an interesting final boss, no secret bosses, and no secret ending. Seriously the final boss is that old fart again? Fuck them for making it look like the MoM in the trailers.
KH2 had an ending. The classic cartoon ending of "and then they had more adventures" which is fine by me.
Nice """""game""""" there Kairi.
>isn't even playable
>in her own game
Why does kairi suck so much?
Fujoshis probably bitched about too much time playing characters who aren't low test twinks when Aqua got one (1) fight in KH3.
I could accept that. It felt so definitive
I cannot believe the all-in-one package is gonna be 20 bucks on black friday
Its a fucking rhythm game man, and a pretty good one.
Holy shit, I forgot what their faces looked like before they changed them for the remasters.
Kairi was way fucking cuter.
i have kh1 and kh2 but never played the other games, is this worth?
No. Don't play any of the other ones. You've got a complete package. Do not Scrubs season 9 yourself on this series.
For chain of memories and birth by sleep yes but everything else except maybe 358/2 days is skippable crap
Riku and Kairi look de-aged in KH3 compared to their KH2 versions
>For chain of memories
CoM is literally the worst game in the series ESPECIALLY on console you fucking mong.
Man I dislike kh3 riku, his clothes and keyblade.
>CoM is the worst game
>When Dream Drop Distance exists
Outed as a shitter. The OG Chain of Memories is great. The PS2 one is an abomination
Rikus best design was in Dream Drop Distance if only because of how weirdly normal and restraint of a Nomura design it is.
wanna know how i know you're a retard
>fujiwara passed away
>flynn got cancelled
Axelbros... what are we going to do?
>CoM is literally the worst game in the series
>six games and three movies for $20
That's insane! They might as well give it away at that point.
>KH1 sora is the lead of team classic
>KH1 age riku is the lead of team dream
>midriff kairi is all over the place in the art collectables
Goddamn I miss how they used to look. I wouldn't even be mad if Nomura hit the reset button and made them all young again somehow. He clearly has a soft spot for those old looks given this and how riku and sora looked in DDD.
Nomura needs time to setup the switch from Disney worlds to SquareEnix worlds, please understand.
KH1's ending was a much cleaner version of that though
KH2's ending is obvious sequel bait
That's only if you bother watching the secret ending.
I was satisfied.
KH1 had Riku leave you, how the hell was that clean?
Reminder that both Jack Skellington and Winnie the Pooh aren't in this game because of China.
Tarzan is still omitted too because of disney's complicated rights issue. Damn shame I would love to have this in
What does China have against Jack?
No. KH1 ends with the hope for Sora returning to Kairi and fixing things. KH2 ends with Sora completing his journey, and concludes with "more adventures will go on," which would have been a perfectly fine conclusion.