Reminder that there is nothing wrong with representation of sexual or racial minorties or strong female characters...

Reminder that there is nothing wrong with representation of sexual or racial minorties or strong female characters, and they themselves don't affect the games in negative ways.

If the TONING DOWN OF SEXY/CUTE FEMALE CHARACTER DESIGNS is your real issue with progressive ideologies then you can complain just about that. Stop believing that you need to join a Zig Forumsfag circlejerk and support all of their racist and conspiracy theorist bullshit if you want to be a person who is against a particular, so called ""progressive"" ideology.

You can form your own opinions, make your own stand, you don't have to flock to either extremist side like most sheeps in this cesspool do.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>he thinks racism is inherently bad

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be quiet tranny

Kill yourself coom brained freak.

The exaggerated swagger of a black kween

dilate you tranny freak

>whitie!! Cracker!!!!

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explain why it isn't

Let me rephrase for you OP.
Diversity in Japanese games is good and fun (pic related). Diversity in western games is bad.

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