Pokemon Thread

Mewtwo is coming back to the Pokemon anime:


Kind of not original. Is the anime even considered good anymore? How do you feel about the Pokemon anime? What does this anime need to do to improve the quality?

Also what about the games? What would you suggest to improve those?

Attached: Mewtwo Returns Again.png (465x455, 309.81K)

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It's really obvious that a franchise is dead when it can't stop nostalgia pandering.

>Is the anime even considered good anymore?
remember when ash looked like a dumb but determined kid, sometimes even being badass?
now he just looks like a dumb söy kid

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Anyone else not like Gou? He's such a Gary Stu.

wait, wasn't there a female mewtwo in one of those more recent movies? wasn't there also a latias that wanted ash's D?

The female Mewtwo was apparently created because Shudo’s estate somehow owned the rights to the Mewtwo used in the original movie.

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You are correct on both.

they still didnt get its not Mewtwo pokemon who can bring them money, but one specific Mewtwo from the first movie.

That IS the Mewtwo from the first movie, you dumbass.

oh joy more kanto wanking

I don't watch the anime anymore. I'm just wondering why Ash is traveling with a femboy.

Ive only ever played R/B and G/S. Loved them. Is Sw/Sh worth it at all i.e. would a boomer who only played the originals enjoy them? I saw them on the shop and got an itch, but the version bundled with the dlc is like 89 bucks without tax. Is the dlc basically required or is the base game fine?

Why doesn't Ash remember mewtwo? He literally almost died fighting him in the past.

Ash was always a faggot

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wait for a sale. You will want the DLC, but it is not worth 90 bucks

I love Serena!

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Pokemon isn't even close to dying, unless you meant qualitywise, in which case you're right.

His memory was erased at the end of the movie, though the Mewtwo Returns special should also be canon.

He is Freeza

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Not always

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Writers intentionally keep Ash as forgetful to make events like this smoother. Seems the staff doesn't have faith that newer viewers have watched the Mewtwo Returns special.

>Ash won the special olympics, as the most loud 'WERESORRYWERESORRYWERESORRY' ever uttered by the suits at TPC, as if they actually expect people to forgive them for Kalos and their retarded 'rule'.

They deserve death, plain and simple, and POKEMON APESTAAAA! LA LA LAAA----

That damn fox corrupted a generation.

4 words: Mewtwo strikes back - EVOLUTION.


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Thats alolan ash. Galarian Ash is based

Bros look what I just found :)

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>you will never be hypnotized into becoming umbreons sex slave

why live

Anyone else find mewtwo insanely attractive? I am not gay nor a furry but I would bite its asscheeks and push my tongue deep into its ass.

We have a board for this...

>Is the anime even considered good anymore?
No, the anime is garbage only shipfags care about.
>What does this anime need to do to improve the quality?
They could stop ruining the games' potential by not releasing everything at once.
>what about the games?
They're nowhere near as good as they could be.
>What would you suggest to improve those?
TPC fucks off beyond their role as publisher with Nintendo; no more retarded merch/anime schedule ruining the games; no more yearly shit; no more money-stealing mobileshit; Nintendo co-develops.

>special olympics
Salty fags can't except Ash won a league fair and square. He had an Ultra Beast and a Mythical, he deserved the win and defeated a legendary in the process

Eh, I like Mewtwo. Edgelord villains without a hint of empathy appeal to me.

Worse thing is its going to go back to the status quo after this and he'll lose the next real league.

You autists remind me why /vp/ exists.Kys

That is the remake of the first Pokemon movie. This is what I meant:


But as usual the video game board is the best for all discussions.

I don't mean to be a burden, but you posted this on instead of >>>/ vp/. Please be considerate and post it on the right board, ok?

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The anime is better than it's ever been since they started pandering to fujos and shotacon

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And he had those too in Kalos, and there was something else, what was it....? Ohyah. THEY WERE HYPING THE FINAL BATTLE AS ASH'S WIN IN A FUCKING MUSIC VIDEO!

Ash was clearly destined to win, the only reason he didnt was because some stupid nonsense rule they came up with 24 years ago.

Honestly, make the standalone, complete like Blue and Red were.
No DLCs, microtransactions, season passes and all that shit, just a full complete game with all the pokemon and other content available from the beginning, without any updates and changes introduced later. This would be great.

>And he had those too in Kalos
He had an Ultra Beast and Mythical in Kalos? If he did instead of 3 flying types, maybe he would have beaten Alan

is this real

no, only person Ash has ever kissed is Serena

You mean like every game before SWSH?
Both USUM and LGPE only had updates to fix bugs, not add content, unless you're talking about Mythicals and other event pokemon which RBGY even had with Mew events in Toys R Us and wherever the fuck they held those events in Japan.