I play games for the storyline, lore and atmosphere, if I didnt I would be playing Sekiro The game

I play games for the storyline, lore and atmosphere, if I didnt I would be playing Sekiro The game

Attached: fallen order.jpg (616x353, 84.35K)

8/10 game
10/10 Star Wars media
Sequel when?

same, I played on easy so I could just run through the story

Shockingly bad game.

is this game worth the price tag? thinking of getting it on steam summer sale.


If you are a fan of Sekiro or Star Wars it's a must play.

game is piss easy on every difficulty but master, get help

Its genuinely decent, its a bit lacking in enemy variety and the rewards for exploration can be lackluster but its a really solid game. I didn't hate the story but I won't tell you it's great, its serviceable and Merrin a cute.

At least pirate it

what lore
there's a billion things to scan but most of the database stuff has little if any information about the world

just pay one month of EA play, it's like 4 dollars?
and finish it. It's a one time game really.

I honestly didn't understand why Spartacus Jedi was evil.
>Hates the sith
>Wants to team up with to you to defeat the empire
>Legit saves you when Necromancer bitch goes full PMS
>Maybe enslaved a few zabraks so he could use them to help fight the Sith.

But of course Cal has to do what his dick says and kill him for Necromancer bitch because hes a huge simp
>H-h-hey Cal san... I know you're just a weak padawan but c-c-could you kill this Jedi master for me UwU

I played and enjoyed both

It's EA's least EA game.

combat pales in comparison to any souls like game


Out of all the souls/sekiro clones, this one honestly got the most things right.

but muh dark side

Its simply not challenging, and the combat is not faced past enough


/ourguy/ should have been the main character

Attached: fallen jedi.jpg (1280x720, 48.32K)

Not going to refute?

I wouldn't go that far. There are some very challenging sections.

that would have been too based

>played outcast
>hear good things about fallen order
>watch combat
>its so wrong in so many ways that i dont know what to say

Nah man. Its okay if you dont like it.


Why the fuck this dude wear his engineering uniform for the WHOLE DAMN GAME? Every outfit option looked like shit except the ones that were just Luke ripoffs. Also why do I HAVE to use a dualhilt saber? Let me remove a hilt in the customisation ffs.


You just know

Attached: OTP.png (1583x1117, 1.67M)

I only discovered the locking on enemies mechanism near the end. I would just hack n slash my way through the game, sometimes beating a simple stormtrooper would take me ages.

What's y'all favorite poncho?

>wearing a poncho at all

Yes, I never said it wasn't you dumb fuck illiterate nigger.

Never said that either Jesus fucking christ no wonder you fags all hide behind your anonymity you're all fucking inbred fuckwads.

I played on easy because I don't care about the combat and just wanted to get to the story, not because the game is hard but because the story is all I cared about in this game and it was faster, the combat is awful in comparison to masterpieces like Dark Souls 2 (the best souls game). But I guess you fucking monkeys don't know anything about story or good games (like Dark Souls 2) since you're all FUCKING ILLITERATE.