It's been 12 years. Sonic is shit now because you relentlessly shat on me, then went on to shower Colors in praise, claiming it to be some sort of savior. I'd ask you to apologize, but all the apologies in the world can't undo what you've done to this franchise. More and more people have finally seen my light, but it doesn't even matter anymore.
It's been 12 years. Sonic is shit now because you relentlessly shat on me, then went on to shower Colors in praise...
Honestly, the first fix to the Werehog is having a different battle theme in every stage.
The werehog stages were fun imo, grossly overexaggerated hate towards them. Only ADD retards hated it because muh gottagofast. Id rather beat the shit out of enemies and do soulful acrobatics all around the world as opposed ti whatever the fuck this webm is
Everyone who praises Colors is baiting you retard
Stages should not last half an hour, regardless of skill.
The best part of Sonic Unleashed is all the werehog porn that came because of it
Extremely, dangerously based. Sonic unleashed was not as bad as so many say it is. Personally I prefer it to the adventure games.
Sonic would actually benefit from being handed over to a western company. After the first game both 2 and 3 were developed in america with western talent. Either go back to being like that or have it be a full on western project
Yeah, those BASED westerners truly know what's best for Sonic
>Yeah, those BASED westerners truly know what's best for Sonic
Correct. You should read the interview where Taxman talks about how Sonic is defined by momentum.