Seems like Nintendo didn't like what people did to Animal Crossing as a platform.
>Animal Crossing: New Horizons Usage Guidelines for Businesses and Organizations" are now available.
Seems like Nintendo didn't like what people did to Animal Crossing as a platform
John Cruz
Caleb Perry
Between this and censoring tranny flags Nintendo has been decently based as of late.
Connor Lopez
Seems like a pretty fair thing to do.
What kind of predatory asshole brings business and politics to a game aimed at children?
Zachary Cook
What happened?
Matthew Fisher
american politicians using animal crossing as platforms for their party
Mason Watson
Biden and other politics started a marketing campaign in Animal Crossing.
John Myers
biden and AOC
Bentley Bennett
People using the game for their political ambitions.
Carter Hernandez
I haven't played the game but how does that work? Did they make a T-shirt or a sign or something that said "Biden 2020" or something?
Brayden Gomez
it was an island you could go visit with custom prints saying 'vote for biden'