Comfy Switch Thread

What are you enjoying on your Switch lads?

Picross S5 getting a release next week btw

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Jupiter has a real racket going. Which I'm going to keep enabling by buying every single one.

How insecure are you about buying this shitty handheld that you need these hourly threads?

Not as insecure as your triggered bitch ass lmao

Why would you enter a discussion just to be a faggot?

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I wish they'd put more music tracks in each one.

can't decide what to play
Could beat mario sunshine
could hammer some stuff in GU
could figure out wtf to go in axiom verge
Could finish up another dungeon or two in Link's Awakening

Currently waiting for AoC while waiting for Rise

Age of Calamity. It's pretty fun. Enjoying Urbosa most.

Yeah. And the tracks they do have are pretty hit or miss for how much you have to listen to them.

Should be getting my copy of AoC tomorrow. Still have Bayonetta 2 to finish and the Picross games are 20% off next week


Is Hyrule Warriors 2 any good? I like Musou games and my Switch has just been a Smash/Mario Kart machine for half a year now

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If you like musou games then it's a no brainer. The original Hyrule Warriors shouldn't be ignored either.

paper mario has become annoying to play. might play through pokemon and super mario 3d all stars then sell it.

I already played the original on Wii U, the only Wii U port I've bothered buying is MK8D for the online

Disgaea 5. Looking forward to 6. Also looking forward to Rune Factory 5. Honestly just like having it, especially after a long day to grind away while I watch something else.

I'd say HW is worth a double dip if you enjoyed it or feel like replaying. Switch version has fuck loads more content and it's 60fps.

>playing botw
>see something strange on a cliff side
>climb all the way up to it
>it’s a pair of stone blocks each made of 4 smaller blocks with one having been removed
>do the obvious thing by putting the block back, expecting something cool like a chest or a special ingredient
>it’s a fucking korok
Getting real sick of these assholes

Doom 1. Forgot to save my 2 hours of progress the other night

>taking over an hour to install the new zelda

wtf is going on?

Xenoblade remaster. I wasn't yet a week when it first came out. I honestly think it's a downgrade compared to 2. Hopefully the combad gets more interesting

Really should be working on backlog and playing other games but I have the desire to shiny hunt this Spiritomb in Sword and Shield and have been doing that the past day or so

Attached: shiny.png (1226x639, 1.06M)

Played the everloving shit out of Sakuna, and it legitimately burned me out after finishing it since I enjoyed playing it so much.
Thankfully HW drops tomorrow, so I'll have that to grab my attention.

>I wasn’t yet a week
A week old?

Just download the demo dude.
Personally I’m not a fan, I enjoyed how simple on the surface/complex underneath HW was and it had the BEST character designs in any Zelda. AoC character designs are the soulless BotW dogshit for everyone and Zelda has that atrocious accent, the runes are clunky as fuck, and the maps are more “natural”/real but that also makes them a lot more confusing to navigate. I play musou to completely shut my brain off and button mash, AoC tries too hard to be a real game.

>discussing a video game console on a video game board means you’re insecure
better stop making those PS5 threads then snoy lol

XB1 is only good if you’re a turboweeb who uses subs and just took intro to philosophy. Neither game is that incredible IMO, but 2 is better than 1 in every way.

Is Hades legit good?

Serious Sam Collection currently on Second Encounter
its pretty good holds 60fps mostly but its a little blurry in handheld definitely better than the shit storm of the talos principle port

So gutted that they fucked it up by not adding gyro.

Yes it really is. I’m a massive Zig Forumstard and I’m loving it. Takes some effort to ignore the disgraceful way they treat Greek history, constantly try to normalize homosexuality, and make all the female characters ugly as sin but it’s genuinely worth it. It’s the best roguelike/lite I’ve ever played and easily my GOTY.

Been on a music game kick. Playing Mad Rat Dead and Fuser.