Would you let a succubus enter your party?

would you let a succubus enter your party?

Attached: Vpm-Succubus.png (270x138, 42.02K)

Only if she swears an oath of celibacy


Attached: 1339780329558.jpg (640x1780, 908.69K)

Where do you even find comics like these?

My fetish is making attractive women question if they are really attractive by ignoring them so yes

You called?

Attached: 16-Torment_2008-06-11_07-35-02-48.jpg (640x480, 64.58K)

Well, judging by the file name, I apparently found it from Zig Forums /vee/. The original user presumably found it from the artist's website. I have a second one, I don't think there was more.

Attached: 1339780382032.jpg (768x2468, 1.25M)

>would you let a succubus


Only if she's a complete slut. I'm tired of the "she's a literal sex demon, but she's still a virgin and only into you" stuff.

Probably, but I'd prefer a slime girl