the amount of young men growing up without a father-figure i've met playing videogames online and locally has made me so worried about the future of humanity as a whole... kids raised by only one parent tend to have tough lives... i don't mean to say that all women are idiots who can't raise men properly but, if you mind doing the research, i most of it indicates that dad-only families tend to produce better workers and citizens than mom-only households
The amount of young men growing up without a father-figure i've met playing videogames online and locally has made me...
The west is dying fast, good thing the chinks are competent enough to take over
My father was a piece of shit who beat me whenever he was drunk, causing me to become a 23 year old man who is afraid of confrontation and has to meet with a therapist every 2 weeks for suicidal thoughts. If he were on fire right in front of me, I wouldn't even piss on him to put it out. Sometimes it's better if someone isn't there.
My father died when I was a boy
This. Except they're not just taking over. They're doing a better job than we ever could.
I became a girl cause of not having a dad... most likely. Think it worked out for me after all.
Do you have socks that go past your knee
Yes, the West has a single motherhood problem
Chink birthrate is declining fast. Unless China takes women's rights away, they too will start experiencing the same problem. And they will have to accept immigration.
Japan and Korea are democracies, so they will end up the same as the West
This. My dad died when I was 13. I had to learn all the manly stuff on my own, and basically tried to emulate Clint Eastwood characters, which is why I'm a mute autismo.
I do but I think my mom threw them away. Sucks. I really miss em tbhon