If only Dark Souls had a remake like this instead of a filmsy remaster we got. Fuck I am so jelly!

If only Dark Souls had a remake like this instead of a filmsy remaster we got. Fuck I am so jelly!

Attached: GZxXUQo.jpg (1820x2048, 1.16M)

you want dark souls to look like shit too?

that it already does

Now that the remake is out best game in the series is also worst looking game in the series now. Even DaS2 gets a graphical overhaul.

Attached: EPypvvnWsAEw1MO.jpg (1820x2048, 821.39K)

DeS remake is not in the souls series since it wasn't made by from, not even cooperated.

they would fuck it up

>If only Dark Souls had a remake like this
Sorry I would prefer dark souls keep it's original art direction.

>best game in the series
Demons was never the best game in the series, lmao.
I also fucking hate that I can't say that without someone thinking it's cause of the remake or console wars or some shit.

Demons was the best game in the series back in 2010

It was alright. I enjoyed it but when I saw the remake I honestly had no will to go back and play through it again.

The problem was that they made Demon's Souls look like Dark Souls, there would be nothing to complain about if they did it to Dark Souls.

They would still find a way to make it look more generic, it's their specialty

...yes. I can't deny that.
Oh don't get me wrong. I like Demon's Souls even if I don't think it's the peak of the series. I never had as much fun PVPing then doing the old monk fight with the moonlight greatsword and being able to god's wrath people off the stairway up to the fight.

>best game in the series is also worst looking game

I meant Dark Souls retard.

I'm tired, user.

Understandable, sorry.

meant for

Is anyone else bothered by the sound design of the remake? Every single sound effect sounds like it belongs into sci-fi or superhero game. I would describe it as too clear and sharp with weird bass and reverb effects. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know what causes it but I can hear it. Maybe someone can elaborate on why it sounds like shit?

yes, it's so jarring when compared to areas with a relatively subdued atmosphere like latria
I guess they wanted to show off their 3d audio tech or something

Why? dark souls is fine and still looks good






Attached: cm_11_27.jpg (1920x2400, 873K)

Let's say they do remake Dark Souls 1
What parts do they fuck up and what parts do they improve?

>improve texture resolution and poly count
>fuck up art direction
just like every remake

undead burg and parish, darkroot, anal london, grand archives, maybe painted world (they're good at clutter and ferns), demon ruins and lost izalith
blighttown, depths, sen's fortress, new londo, catacombs, tomb

Retarded take, the redesigns are not even remotely more like Dark Souls, and neither is the color scheme. You could say that, at most, the remake's music is a shitty attempt to copy Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3.

They would fuck up everything.

amen, keep bluepoint fucking far away from it less we get a show helmet toggle. fuck bluepoint

Is this a mod or just a photoshop?

>>improve texture resolution and poly count
>fuck up art direction
just like every remake

Attached: REmake.jpg (768x403, 59.71K)

It's a mod but it's not out yet.