The people who made SSF2 are making a new indie crossover platform fighter called "Fraymakers". What are your thoughts about it?
Another Indie Crossover
You should also mention it's MUGEN for Smash Bros, and has a built-in character creator. That's a pretty fucking big feature.
Definitely true. There's also the fact you can make custom stages, items, and assists with the creator.
I also should've brought up that it's using rollback online as that's another big thing people were talking about.
CAPCOM are making it?
Looks fun but it's not coming out until early 2022 so it's gonna take forever
You could create characters for Rivals of Aether too.
Day 1 Octodad/GetoveritGuy-main.
post mains
Nice to see people still remember you. But what would your moveset be?
Yeah but that was an afterthought
This is gonna be directly built with custom content in mind
Peppino being an assist sorta makes sense since his hame isn't evn out yet... I am a little salty Fancypants isn't playable though
>what would your moveset be?
VVVVVV is gonna be one of the Assist characters
Viridian is an assist. He just makes your character go up really high by flipping gravity so if you have a shitty recovery he can boost you up.
>the smaller characters are assists
Well that's sure lame, but being in at all is still certainly nice. Guess I'll stick with slap-fish.
>tfw already enduring the AT-cope
I wanna see the monster from Carrion
>Downwell guy and shopkeeper
>bitRunner ninja
I'm already calling it, this is going to be some kino.
It's because the playable characters are way more detailed compared to something like Rivals
>MUGEN for Smash Bros
if one of the default characters isn't Kung Fu Man i'm rioting
This is the first time I've seen an indie crossover where Shovel Knight isn't in it
>literally the only game on the world without a whorish Shovel Knight cameo
All right, they musta shot Yacht Clubs dog it something
There's no way they're gonna animate a decent move set for a good set of others that way. Size and framerate look to be on par with Street Fighter 3. I'm calling scam.
give it a few months
I don't think so, it's by the guy that made Smash Flash 2. He's really invested in that stuff.
I demand the bubble trouble devil
>There's no way they're gonna animate a decent move set for a good set of others that way.
I mean they only have 6 characters in the base game (7 thanks to hitting the first stretch goal)
6 + 1 playable characters. The other stretch goals will probably be more characters. The most variance in the game will probably be assist characters until they get a decent amount of fan made content you can add on.
Crossing fingers for spelunky guy, if he's in i would buy 10 copies of this game
>characters from flash games are in this
Calling it. They'll be in the game in some way
>Gameplay and visuals will definitely be good given Smash Flash 2
>A lot of cool picks from across indie history compared to other indie crossovers, including other Smash clones
>Animation looks great
>Fucking TANKMEN as an assist
>Really boring Rivals character choice
>Downwell guy is also kind of bland as a full-blown character choice
>Way too many assists that would be awesome characters (Peppino, Fancy Pants, Cross Code girl, THE FUCKING KID)
Also, they better get Yacht Club on board. It'd be pretty fucking weird to NOT get Shovel Knight in there at this point. Maybe they could mix it up and make it Plague or King Knight instead.