Are you jealous lucklets? $10 only spent chad here. Post your genshin party

Are you jealous lucklets? $10 only spent chad here. Post your genshin party.

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0$ spent here

i have beydoo and niggnog for free

Not even installed the chinese rootkit chad here, get fucked pleb. Eat shit for playing gacha.

$5 spent. And the only child character I have is Childe.

I will always seethe at my luck. 68 pulls and literally no new characters, aside from the assured Noelle noob banner. 3 buddies of mine have a variety, with the same wishes.
Kill me now.

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Reroll. Genshin gives so few pulls the first 30-50 pulls you get decide how you'll be playing the next 6 months

Where are the meteor challenges?