Are gacha games inherently bad?

are gacha games inherently bad?

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Games are inherently bad.

Yes, now bye bye


For me usually yes, because I'd rather just pay one price for a full game with content, but in some cases the whales fund a game you get to play for free.

gacha games are inherently bed
you pomf in that bed

Yes, because their only purpose is to suck up microtransaction money from whales.

Bad for developers? No. Bad for investors? No. Bad for people looking for an enjoyable gaming experience in the traditional sense? Yes. Bad for people with addictive personalities? Very much so.

Gacha games are not designed for the average players enjoyment. They are designed for the small margin of whales that spend exponentially more money than the rest. The methods they use to grab these whales are things that actively make the experience worse for everyone else. The success of these games also means that we will see more and more traditional games catered towards these ultra consumers.

All games with MICROTRANSACTIONS are bad.
The only acceptable payments for video games are b2p models or a subscription. Any system that can give a player advantage for paying more money over someone who doesn't pay is evil by definition.

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