I want to grab Cloud's feminine hips and repeatedly make lewd love to his asspussy releasing stream after stream of cum until we are both exhausted and collapse into bed together cuddling and kissing
I want to grab Cloud's feminine hips and repeatedly make lewd love to his asspussy releasing stream after stream of cum...
That sounds kinda based
>I want to grab Cloud's feminine hips and repeatedly make lewd love to his asspussy releasing stream after stream of cum until we are both exhausted and collapse into bed together cuddling and kissing
Stop posting fanfics Aerith!
Quoting the entire post accomplishes as much as quoting none of it
Mad that cloud won't let u pound his bussy
No, Cloud is straight.
based faggot
Yeah straight into my ass
This but with Ashe, 9S or Tails
memes aside i actually want to have a sex with a guy
I want to fuck Tifa while she watches OP fuck Cloud better than she ever will
It's a crime Ashe isn't a romance option for mByleth. I wanted to protect him the instant I saw him.
Accomplished a free (You) though
I never thought Cloud was cute until I saw all the new SFM and blenders.
Okay, you are a gay boy, OP.
I like girls and boys
He is so mindbroken you could reprogram him into loving meatstick.
same here, and get fucked by one as well, like really hard
why is it that cloud has so much less good art than link, when he's just as hot as link?
That's funny, because I want to fuck a cute guy, like, really hard.
Unironically Nintendo appeals to gays more.
Japanese media turns more people gay or trans than Western media does, but people here cry all day about the Western "agenda" while insisting Japanese media is "based" while they fap to shotas or wish they too were cute girls
japanese media does it accidentally while western media tries and fails to do it because it's so repulsive
tifafags are mentally ill as fuck and should never be responded to
Japs may turn people gay but the west turns them into actual mental problems who want to cut their dicks off and screech at everyone.
>japanese media does it accidentally
Absolute bullshit, anime and japanese media are filled with extremely feminine men, some of which literally base their entire character on people mistaking them for women
There's a reason anime profile pictures are part of the tranny uniform on twitter and why the weebs like tend to deny that trannies like anime
Yeah because Japanese media makes hot characters, no shit.
Why are zoomers such enormous faggots?