>so it's an entire genre
>where there's no mechanical depth
>level design is randomly generated
>there's no thought put to encounters
>it's all about chasing numbers
>getting bigger numbers means bigger high
>it's all random
>it's all about keeping the player addicted
Is the rogue* genre the worst genre in gaming?
So it's an entire genre
Mobas exist, so no.
>where there's no mechanical depth
>level design is randomly generated
>there's no thought put to encounters
>it's all about chasing numbers
>getting bigger numbers means bigger high
>it's all random
barely false
>it's all about keeping the player addicted
FALSE holy fuck, are you seriously comparing rougelite/likes to gacha games? Get a fucking life faggot.
>are you seriously comparing rougelite/likes to gacha games?
That's a good comparison, I didn't think of that one. Yeah they're basically just digital crack of the same tier. Except gacha games don't have the pretense they have a complex system going on underneath it all.
>replayability = addiction
I can see what how you're coming to your conclusion but that doesn't make it any less retarded.
>I'm not addicted I'll stop after this retry I sware
diablo fans are the same way. Remember that time they literally made a meme chart praising how the digital crack in the second was better than in the third?
Before we start arguing about semantics, here is the definitive definition of a roguelike.
Roguelikes are top-down, turn-based, procedurally generated dungeon crawlers. If it is not this, it is not a roguelike period.
There's just one eensy weeny problem with your example.
Diablo II isn't a rougelite/like. Having randomised dungeons doesn't make a game a rougelike/lite.
You're implying that there's no skill ceiling and that it's not possible to finish runs more consistently as you learn the game's systems, which is laughably false
>actually the definition of my crack is constantly changing so you can't say I'm an addict, oooh this number is orange instead of white!
>heh, go to college