Lost billions of dollars on Xbox over the past 20 years

>lost billions of dollars on Xbox over the past 20 years

Why haven't they given up yet?

Attached: Microsoft-Logo-2012.jpg (1920x1080, 57.41K)

>gamers are the only faggots still using windows
>xbox console feeds into pc gaming
I suspect the newest xbox and ps5 will be the last consoles, the future is streaming, and Sony and MS will make all their money from digital sales with 10000x the margins of hardware and physical copies. Not to mention subscriptions

Microsoft doesn't profit from pc gaming when everyone buys from valve.

Whats the logo on the corner of the taskbar that they click when they want to launch steam?


What if you used a peehole wrench to open your pee hole so big that a white girl with her long snake tongue could climb into your pee hole and lick the inside clean while snuggling all warm in your flabby bladder?

Oh right you have to pay Microsoft every time you want to use windows key I forgot

>he thinks microsoft makes money from windows
lmao fucking brainlet they give that shit away for free and tie up everything in subscription services

Because of the reason they got into consoles in the first place. They're afraid the pc will lose it's place in peoples homes when consoles basically become pc's. And theyre almost at that point though really gimped.

And what keeps people using it to stay with those sub services?
Whats the one thing linux and macos cant do?