The game Cyberpunk 2077 wishes it was

The game Cyberpunk 2077 wishes it was

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a convoluted grandiloquent boring indie game made on a shit outdated engine?

This game's great

I gained bronzouf

>can't join Jian
I need to stop pretending that this game is good...

My legs are okay.

t.Huan Lo Pan

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>game has a civillian killed stat but there are no civillians in the game

EYE is probably the only game I'd actually want to see get the open world treatment, at least for a hub stage or two.

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>culter schizo gets trapped in cycles of guilt for an eternity
face it, Culter Dei is filled with the weakest of minds

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I don't think the source engine could handle an open world hub, I've never seen a game with models/props/scenery as big as E.Y.E