Halo Infinite

Where in the ever-loving frick is it?

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infinite years away

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A major update is coming near the end of the year.

It is near the end of the year.


They had to trash it because the graphics, story, sound, multiplayer, and environment sucked.

Oh SHIT, got em!
Info about it coming sometime in December, not at TGA though.

Multiplayer released in December with story sometime in early 2021

development hell after 343 realized they had a dud

>343 thinks they can fool us with their gameplay reveal
>Bungie's ancestral soul enters Craig so he shows us the true horror of the H:I shit show
Halobros, I just want Chief to be at peace again...

Development hell, it's going to be Anthem all over again.

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Nope, from the rumors, campaign is more far along than the multiplayer. You haven't heard anything about the multiplayer for a reason. If anything, they'll do the right thing and release the campaign first, multiplayer could wait, couldn't care less about Halo's multiplayer, never really did.

They had to fix the game after what they showed looked like absolute garbage and everyone lost the little hype they still had for this dead series.

Nominated as one of 2021's most anticipated games.

Can confirm, the hype was actually there and then 343 killed it.

what is it about us lads? We've been beat down by 343, everyone hates our series for ruining FPS games (not actually our fault), and we have no reason to believe Infinite will be anything but 343 doodoo but here we are.


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They need to do something crazy. Like massive 32 or 64 man battles, where you are all master chief type muther fuckers. Call it war games or something. It can be done.

>ruining FPS
My only complain is the weapon limit

works for halo, blame every other game for copying it.

>everyone hates our series for ruining FPS games
It's not "everyone", it's just pcniggers and their opinions don't matter anyway.

The creative director left (again!) just recently. The game is never coming out.

This game will be EPIC. Can’t freaking WAIT!

Why did they even delay it ?? People meme everything nowadays. And why don't they sell 343 and buy fucking DICE or treyarch atleast those companies can slap a new skin every year and release a halo game.

I like nearly every FPS game so idk, funny to see younger kids be indoctrinated with retro shooters to think speed above all else when they can't even understand the balance of locomotion in an FPS, especially since only the single player retro shooters get attention. Classic AFPS titles are dead as ever while apparently everyone loves Dusk and Ultrakill, which have MP, yet no one plays them online lol. I think crackdown 3 did something bold with autoaim because you really can get crazy with movement if you reduce how much aiming is involved, interesting concept but most PC FPS players just want the same thing over and over and wonder why the games never make a breakthrough.

This, based

>10 year plan
It's going to be godawful garbage and everyone knows it.

I don't get why they didn't release the multi-player ahead of time, they already said it's going to be f2p so why not just put that out while working on the campaign

I mean how much have they changed since halo 5

It's the face of Xbox and is supposed to be the game that ushers in what's considered the most powerful console of all time yet looks worse than the previous entry, Halo 5. Also 343 said the game will be a 10 year journey.
I think delaying it was the best possible move. 5 years from now no one will even think about the delay anyway and the game will be better for it.

Because the campaign is more complete than the multiplayer, they need to release the campaign next year and just release the beta for the multiplayer later, I buy Halo for the campaign not the multiplayer. If the campaign is ready and the multiplayer isn't the multiplayer can wait, It was always an add-on anyway.

probably partially scrapped. If the multiplayer is free to play as I've read, then it's not much of a loss if the campaign is shit. It's hard not to notice that the premise for the campaign shown in trailers is almost completely unrelated to the aftermath of halo 5's story. Who wants to spend 5-10 hours doing destiny-style patrols while a hysterical jew talks your ear off? If the trailers are any indication of the campaign, that is exactly what you will get.

>live service game

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Halo 5 looked like shit. Infinite looked better, if you're going to compare it to something, compare it to CE, 2, and 3, you know the games with great art styles.

I remember reading it's possible they'll still release the mp first like what was originally planned. Since they're updating the visuals it will be months away regardless.

Hopefully Cancelled forever and 343 finally thrown out of the Microsoft campus.
The absolute fucking state of Halo fans.
People who haven't played this series since 2007 coming back to it completely unaware of what a fucking trainwreck the last 13 years have been in their absence.

>the multiplayer can wait, It was always an add-on anyway.
You could say that for CE but the multiplayer is a huge component of Halo from 2 onwards.

the game was pretty much finished, i think they are doing a major rework in the graphics since everyone was making fun of the textures on the brute.