FO: New Poogas

>final boss can be effortlessly stunlocked

Great ""game"". It's almost like nobody play-tested this shit or something.

Attached: nv and stay back.webm (853x480, 2.77M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>exploiting a boss' weakness is a bug

Attached: 1565477307593.jpg (689x568, 62.08K)

>game has an exploit
>deliberately use it
>complain when it works

Attached: 1605621550633.jpg (360x360, 21.98K)

Lanius is virtually incapable of killing a level 50 courier actually using the items the game hands you there's no real challenge to defeating him.

Since when is shooting an enemy an exploit?

>implying the boss isn't shit regardless of what tactics you use

Even if he couldn't get stunlocked, opening your pipboy to shoot some stims halfway through the fight still pauses the game and makes combat trivial

>all other factions have guns and murderbots
>caesars head general and guards use fists

Attached: 1580106112435.png (219x230, 100.65K)

>Use most OP perk
>game is easier

>randomly goes into slo-mo

Since this guy was obviously using mods as jet didn't slow time until FO4, the case is dismissed, OP is a fag.

Cool, except And Stay Back works on literally every single enemy in the game.

Where are you seeing slo-mo? That weird screen effect just looks like a consumable item wearing off

That's the GRX implant.

Most New Vegas fans have never actually played New Vegas.

When he kills the Praetorians the turbo effect kicks in, it's a common VATS alternative either Project Nevada or one of its successors.

it's pretty dumb, but stupidity like this inevitable when the technology requires you to personify the enemy force in to one NPC since any large scale battles are out of the question.
i actually feel symphatethic for the devs that had to wrap this godawful technology into a functioning product.

but personally, I would've made the conversation in OP take place over a radio. would've felt far more believable.

Around the 10 sec mark. Watch the blood splatter.

Who's that guy in the power armor?

>the thing I care about most in an RPG is the boss fights
Opinion discarded

It's also possible to write a story that works with the technology available.

Attached: 1303547212664.png (165x164, 44.68K)

Boone, judging by the rifle. Didn't know you could give PA to companions.

The climax of the story and high point of all combat encounters should be ignored.

Attached: a6d.png (2550x1650, 376.96K)


>he didn't have veronica fully armoured flying fist first into every battle
I don't care about the VA, veronica is my waifu

Pretty sure you can but either way that's salvaged NCR power armor, it doesn't require training for anyone.

The worst part about Bioware turning to shit is that it gave Obsidian fans the illusion that their games weren't garbage-bin tier.

>New Poogas
>not Poo Vegas

could be. do you mean that the entire idea of a "great battle" over hoover dam shouldn't exist? because I agree 100%. you're a lone wolf (or a duo) the whole game so you suddenly being just another soldier in a bigger war felt weird. disempowering. and that's not what a game's final mission should feel like. and then there's the insufficient technology aspect too.

At the end of the day he's just another human being. If they'd written it in such a way to have a juiced super mutant be the final battle or some shit, I'd get the whining. But when you've gone through all the shit you do to get there in the first place, and you're literally in the middle of the enemy's siege base, why shouldn't you be able to steamroll the cunt, should you wish to do so?

You can do the same shit in Oblivion

>Bro tier
Veronica, Boone, E-DE, Christine

>Meh tier
Arcade, Cass, Rex, Dean Domino, Dog/God, Walking Cloud, Joshua Graham

>Fuck off tier
Schizo mutant, Mexican ghoul, Follows-Chalk

The battle over hoover dam wasn't terrible on its own, but they should have worked around their limitations and have a final confrontation that wasn't just some random big dude in armor.