Quick Wheel item selector

Game design block here. I’m really stuck trying to design a good item wheel.
Can anybody think of games with really successful takes on quick item wheels? I’ve been staring at wheels 40 hours this week my brain has gone numb thinking about them.

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You can’t reinvent the wheel.

I thought NMRiH and RDR2 has clever item wheels, especially how NMRiH makes you balance weight with more valuable items taking up more of the wheel. It really depends on your game though, we'd need more details

Do it like Death Stranding

Fpbp god damn

I don't like GTA's wheel because once you get a shitload of items you have to keep pressing left or right to scroll through them.
Weapon wheels work when you can see everything on the wheel. The thing I like about Death Stranding's wheel is that you can cycle between two wheels.
If I had to make my own wheel, I'd have two wheels like DS, but add the ability to place items where I want them in the wheel, through menus or something.

Or maybe have a different mini wheel pop out of each category (AR miniwheel, grenade mini wheel, etc.)? Might get confusing or turn into a clusterfuck though.

4 weapons on the d-pad
If not that then one that slows time when its opened

Wasn’t aware of nmrih, looking into that now thank you.
It’s a little different of a problem from most games that use item wheels, that the item wheel is part of an adaptive UI for a game with a lot of items(50-100) and that we’d allow players to mark items to show up in the wheel to quickly equip/consume them. We are thinking of a limit of 4-9 items within the wheel.
Cuts the process process of getting an item from an inventory from 4 steps to 2 steps, hoping for a solution that can maintain flow better.

the wheel might be more convinient but it will never beat the SOVL of drop down menu

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what is the actual problem you're running into trying to design the wheel? why aren't you happy with your implementation?

>OP samefagging for upboats

have acronyms gone too far? i'm really not sure how to decipher this

numbers for weapon switching, no one needs a fucking shitty item wheel. archaic garbage design

This, it's annoying as hell in RDR2 as well.

Items are mostly geared around consumption in the game. For items to appear in the wheel a player needs to mark them as a favorite item.
• If a player uses all units of an item that’s been assigned to the wheel, does it not show up in the wheel again or does it stay there grayed out? Currently item representation will disappear from the inventory if all units have been consumed.

• What’s the best way of doing this without disrupting flow? At what point do item wheels become so convoluted that they’re hardly an improvement?

• Does the item wheel disappear after consuming 1 item? What if a player intends to consume multiple different items in a row?

These are some of the design nitpicky things that are getting in the way with it.

was literally about to say , weapon wheels are for pussies.

I know everyone hates tlou, but it does have a pretty intuitive weapon wheel

Copy gtav slow down wheel mechanic but when the wheel is open you can press a button to open a second wheel for that item type instead of scrolling

No More Retards in Here
Pretty simple user

good questions. I guess it depends on the frequency of how often your implementation is causing irritation and whether a wheel is fundamentally the best approach for what you want.

if you're often consuming or using multiple items back to back, I think a wheel is not a good approach. that sounds more like the job of an inventory screen that remains open until you close it. a wheel should be something you pop open, take 1 action, and let go, in my opinion. hopefully that is some small help

I would hate using a wheel for weapon selection though

Days Gone had a pretty good item selector wheel.

This. It makes good use of sublevels, in a way that doesn't feel finicky even with twitchy stick movement. The secret to this, OP, is to slightly delay activation of submenus in the wheel. Check DG gameplay for an idea, if it's too short it'll be finicky and if it's too long it'll be cumbersome, and the player might get smacked in the face for not reacting fast enough.

yeah i agree, Arma III's item screen is pretty fast to navigate and then you also have numbers to use. i like the idea of possibly having the keyboard numbers just pop up a transparent item wheel that has the corresponding keyboard numbers on each pie slice of the wheel

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a pretty good example of what NOT to do

Ratchet and Clank 1,2, and 3 all have great wheels.

Never have players use consumables from within the wheel, disrupts gameplay too much. You can make it like dark souls where you choose a consumable on the wheel and then use it with a separate button. Also items should stay grayed out if for example it's a common item the player more than likely would rather wait until he finds more instead of rebinding it over and over and you never want to shuffle items around without the player's input so it doesnt mess with their muscle memory.

Are items stackable, OP? As in, 2 potions will show as only one option? If so, then staying with 0 might be better, that way the wheel order doesn't change a lot.
Wildly changing item order in wheels will screw with the player's muscle memory.

We need more info. Is your wheel a time-stopper (like Odin Sphere), time-slower (GTA) or it's in real time?
You could do like how OS does with the mixing and set one button to "immediate use, close the wheel" and another to "stack up for combo usage" so that if the player wants to pop 3 buffs at the same time, they can hit the STACK button for the first two and the OK button with the final item.
If your game allows to mark items as favs and that is required for them to show in the wheel, you should keep the item with 0 count and grayed out when they run out, because as soon as the player gets another potion, they'll expect it to be quickly accessible in the same slot where it was before. (TL;DR version: don't clear favorite slots if the item runs out)

Weapon wheels are the best in stressful situations.

I thought Prey had a good one
the consumables had their own separate buttons

Attached: prey-favorites.gif (480x270, 1.72M)

I dont remember using it when I played it
Number keys are just too good

I agree, but sometimes you just need something that isn't on the number keys.

How about a "shift" button?
As long as you hold the shift button, the weapons change to the selected favorite items. Release it and it goes back to the normal wheel.

fuck no
I always have shift bound to something important