>Portal is 13 years old
Portal is 13 years old
Other urls found in this thread:
>HL:A ends on sequel bait for HL3
>half life 1 is 30 years old
>MGSV is 50 years old
*sips* Yep, Portal. Now THAT was a game.
>tfw portal is older than more than half of the users on this site
I was born in the 80s.
This is millennial you retard.
>90% of this things in this picture are from the late 90s/early 00s
>that were made and released BEFORE the majority of zoomers were born
Ngl this shit blew my mind the first time I saw it and no other game since has lived up to the hype
No, it's zoomer. People born in the late 90s are zoomers.
>Still hasn't been topped
Yeah and what fucking 2 year old is playing Ocarina of Time or watching Yu-Gi-Oh you dumbass.
>early to mid 2000s cartoons
>early youtube
>angsty music
>6th and 7th gen consoles
>2000s movies
>mid to late 2000s memes
>le bape xD
in what universe did zoomers not experience all of this? the only notably retarded things on here are flcl, pokemon gold, oot, and infinite jest
user gen Z was born in 1997 and after. What fucking 6 year old is listening to Green Day in 2003. What 3 year old is watching The Matrix.
Pokémon Gold was many zoomers' first Pokémon. I put OoT there because that was a favorite of mine and my friends' as a kid. Infinite Jest is a book many zoomers read when they went to college. I don't know anything about FLCL.
The Matrix is very popular among zoomers, even though they didn't watch it when they were kids.
Just because it's popular with gen Z doesn't mean it isn't millennial media.
i don't get what you're onto here. green day and the matrix are still cultural touchstones to this day. are you really so vapid that you consume art when it's immediately relevant? do they just not have radios and tvs in whatever shithole state you live in?
>This media isn't relevant to the generation it was made for, but it is for the one that came about 10 years later
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is -1 year old
>been here for 16 years
why am i still here just to suffer?
>haven't played a video game in 15 years
holy cringe just shoot yourself already
*spits out coffee*
>1990 was unironically 30 years ago
>watching X Files or DS9 in 2020 is like watching TOS in 1990
>Younger sister is 13 years old
Portal 1 > 2
Playing GTA 4 now is like playing GTA SA on release in terms of playing a game that is set 12 years before the time of playing it
hi uwu