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this picture is too good for Zig Forums

I don't get it but I liked it because of the funny garlic mouths

wtf I tried to type garlic but it came out as garlic instead

Check this 5 and fuck off back to réddit.

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are you baiting me to type onions to see if it's garlic now

no way anybody on reddit even knows what a gradius is

that's pretty good. make a ygo version. Now.

It's like whatever I post about, a soijak based on my post suddenly materializes into existence. How is this possible?


Attached: epic face.jpg (300x300, 15.18K)

The power of autistic redditniggers who cannot communicate in anything else but shitty ad homenims and wojacks.
The power of redditniggery is greater than you know user. 7

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why can't we have more wojaks like this one? this is unironically hilarious


>Shmups died
>Bullet hells lived


The fun of bullet hells mostly died for me upon realizing that in most of them, not knowing the right route to minimize bullets in an area will give you very hard or near impossible bullet patterns, and you have to use trial and error to find the actual good route(s). This isn't true of most pre-2000 shoot 'em ups but it's all over the bullet hell subgenre, and it's hard to care about certain CAVE games because they're so bad with this.

Cute girls are more marketable then sci-fi ships.

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bullet hells are ironically more accessible

layers like garlick

Shmups are based around skill and reaction while bullet hells are based around pattern recognition and trial and error.

Konami tried that and successfully killed every shmup franchise they had. Which is why the new Bomberman's success makes me laugh because it's basically Konami trying again and it working out this time.

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probably because the Bombergirls are introduced into a climate much more friendly to that and they're also hot as fuck while otomedius was just ok

>and they're also hot as fuck
This. Sepia Belmont > Kokoro Belmont

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still no Gradius 1-5 collections on todays consoles.

Come on Konami.

wish I could afford the fig/statue

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You say this but I own more Shmups on PS4 than in any of the consoles I previously got.

They aren't dead,

Konami hasn't even gotten Gradius ReBirth off of Wiiware (same with all their other Wiiware titles, and Hudson's).

The Keroro Gunsou artist sucks

>Gradius ReBirth

I forgot that was a thing. Going to look it up.

Check out Contra ReBirth and Castlevania The Adventure ReBirth while you're at it. A great branding of games while they lasted.

My post contain one of the following:

1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9

>but with soijak
Way to ruin your thread.

That said, I am still trying to get a 1cc for the second game.