How the SHIT are illusions fair? Look at this absolute nigger shit. Maybe it would have been fine if they were easily killed or you could buy an item that reveals the real one, but no they can get bulky as shit, leaving you with absolutely no kind of nigger faggot hope of determining the real one.
>NIGGER JUST ATTACK ALL THE 382434287934289734289734879348974238974328974328973428974389734289743289743897348973428973489743289743897348974328973428973428973428973489127893712893678126378671896378168793678124879237486781263786127897683248784723897489273684678236478617286347816783678263782678467832647826348762378468793264786238794628137468797234897238947892374892738947298376486237846829364876237894697823648792637846237864872638946728396487926378465175367157683567215t3786218934798230463278562731267387239084890328450972389468723647862378468723647865123743678316278 ILLUSIONS ONE BY ONE UNTIL YOU DIE LMAO

Attached: cxzc.png (965x691, 1.27M)

Pick earthshaker or get good

Ban him, pick ES, have your carry buy mjollnir

3 counters right there, ezpz.
Have you tried getting good?

so this is a shit game???? I seee

Yes this is a game where picks and strategy are important
If you don't like that you can fuck off to HotS


Attached: 1584185030879.webm (640x340, 2.45M)

ironic considering picks in hots probably matter even more since you can't itemize, what you draft is what you have to work with

icefraud be like "maybe I should buff PA again"

git gud faggot. Dota is cancer and you signed up to overcome bullshit for fun.

I know what you are saying, OP. I know your average dotard will simply tell you "pick ES or make mjolnir" but the fact is dota is a really unbalanced game and PL is definitely right up there in the Olympus of broken ass heroes. I suggest you stop playing and go do anything else.

pick shaker or axe. or just dedicate time to crush them in lane, PL fucking sucks for a while.

yes, it is

PL is not even good right now, he is mediocre pos 1. You guys literally have no idea how to play dota. Draft is everything, if you made a shitty draft against a last pick PL you fucked up. The last pick should always be a extremely impactful hero against the enemy line up, this is how this game works. PL is not in anyway OP right now, a lot of this counters are top tier.

PL in the screenshot is 5 levels ahead of the enemy team.

Just because you are too bad to carry with PL that does not mean the hero is bad :)

Proper positioning and rotations are way more important than draft in pub settings. How many meme teams have you lost to where their hero picks were shit, but they ganked, took map, and always fought as five?

>PL in the current year

user having 5% pick rate and 48,9% in divine makes him shit. You know why? Because magnus is extremely popular (11th most picked hero) and makes most carries shit on PL head with empower. Snap and tiny also can fuck him up pretty bad, and are in almost any game. LS, spectre, PA, Faceless and Sven are all much better carries than PL. I swear to God, this board is too dumb to understand dota.

Pros still play with Magnus?

Damn dota does indeed have the lowest IQ players.

Literally cast empower on Miracle and you win the game. You even see pos5 mags follow pos1 like a wisp for empower.

lowskilled shit go back to your lol
> pl is bad
> hurdur meta
you're such a retard, nigger

>so this is a shit game????
you're playing a moba. did it really take you that long to realize they are all fucking garbage?

Except he's 100% right you fucking nimrod. The entirety of Dota meta is exactly what he described.

been watching pro dota and I've seen one PL pick in recent memory from the past six months. Void is king.

everyone crying about PL needs to post rank or stfu

>dude, just ban all illusion heroes and pick this one single hero

>pro dota

As already said there are counters you can pick for any position. PL is off-meta at the moment because it's so easy to draft an answer for him without even trying. PL counters are extremely meta at the moment like Mag. He is very strong situationally though.
Dumb. Hero has an abysmal 46% win rate.

t. 4500 mmr shitter but still better than 99.9% of Zig Forums

He's the reason dota is agonizing. I rarely play this shitty game maybe 3-5 games 2-4month because of its narrow-minded community who's just able to imitate pro-scene builds and shittalk about some magic meta. You can't do this you can't do that. No jungle, no triple lane. Oh no-no. No pl with fast basher, no pls with bkb. Fuck this shit. And when I got my victory they put their tongues in ass

PL is fucking trash this patch mate. Literally any strong carry with a BF(or just a Sven) destroys his fucking ass.

>muh mmr

Good job having the algorithm picking good teams for you

Ahahaha.... Oh God.


That has a tangible effect on the game. It's not some magic bullshit if you're getting x y and z hero in most games. People do circlejerk itemization meta / laning meta a bit too hard sometimes, but having Sven strong-dicking everyone's matches means PL sucks ass. Adapt a bit and counter heroes you hate, it's the most satisfying feeling in Dota.

> t. 4500 mmr shitter but still better than 99.9% of Zig Forums
1х1 sf
join my lobby, scrub
I'll piss on you

Stop deluding yourself. If I played on your account I would win a disproportionate number of games. There's no magic switch.

That's what makes moba games so addictive, they can make people think its them who's winning even though they are carried every game

People just get tricked because they will look at a small sample (like one day of games) and say they had really bad lucky with teams (which might be true on some outlier days). But over any significant sample (100s of games) you will be the most important controllable variable in winning your game. After I realized this I gained ~1000 mmr in about 2 months.