alot of people online who visit my steam page notice my game ban (pic related) and tell me that that is not good
i was hacking in SCP SL
Whats the big fuss about this?
Because it's a public display of you being a fucking idiot
its just a game
Nobody likes playing with a cheater, faggot.
If it doesn't matter then you shouldn't have gone through the effort of cheating in a shitty game and getting caught like retard.
> Last VAC Ban is 2786 Days
> Plays another game
> Get a Good Score
> Enemy Player gets pissed
> Looks on my account
> "Waah user is a cheater, he got a vac ban on his account"
MFW when i know he's mad cause he's bad
it was on SCP SL, free hacks, mod saw it after i made it obvious i was hacking (speed and jump hacks)
dont care desu, just stupid that alot of people judge you only because of that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But you did cheat
fucking based
I'd judge you on the basis that you sound like a fucking moron rather than the cheating to be fair
Obviously people are going to judge you for being a shitter on a gaming platform. If you didn't care, you wouldn't have cheated on the first place. You might as well just start a new account instead of trying to cope on Zig Forums.
>used diapers 20 years ago
>user finds your life history
>"lol you are a baby!!!"
cheating is fun, it makes people irritated and that is funny once in a while
thinking about getting csgo hacks with soem friends to make people on that game mad :3
>not multiple game bans on record
kinda cringe desu
its like you are not even trying... :^)
I think that's just coping with the public vac bans
Everyone was a baby, not everyone cheated
you're a retard but a honest retard
yeah i did. And you know what? I dont give a fuck. I paid for a Game 2 Days after release. Not even 2 seconds in game and i notice 4-5 Hacker (Aimbot/Wallhack/Spawn Menu), i also got max level in one kill. I was annoyed and asked the support (of the game, not steam) if they could reset my account, because i want to unlock everything all by myself. They said "Shit happend, we wont do that, if we notice you get into a hacker lobby again (even if its Quick play) then we will ban you". I was pissed, got some hacks, only used it when i notice a hacker, killed the hacker all over again, repeat it until the fun was over. After some weeks i stopped playing it. one or two years later a friend asked me if i wanted to play, i said yeah why not and boom. VAC. And like now, i didnt gave a fuck. Fuck Infinity Ward, fuck Treyarchm Fuck Modern Warfare 3.
you have room temperature IQ, I don’t need to explain why
I use cheat engine to speedhack the cutscenes in MHW because I like rolling new characters for novelty/challenge runs singleplayer and the cutscenes take legit hours of each run
Since the game is always online I'm just waiting on the day I get game banned and bear the mark
Nice cope, faggot. Your profile has aids.
OF COURSE it is coping but it is important to be able to cope and move forward. I know it can be difficult for you to understand because that's a word that is thrown around here just as a meme.
thanks user, thats how i wanna game :)
Everyone cheated once in his life. If its in Singleplayer, Multiplayer or Real-Life. Deal with it.
> Cheat in a Test in School
> Get caught by the Teacher
> 10 Years Later
> "Oi user, remember when you cheated at the test and got caught. Yeah fuck you"
>mad cause he's bad
Says the cheater, lol
I am not even the guy who wrote the VAC thing I just feel bad for people who haven't done something for 10 years and still get talked shit about it.
lmao the cope.
>use some diapers while adult and post in a diaper forum
>co-worker finds your disgusting fetish life history
>"lol you're a diaperfag"
LMOAing @ ur lyfe
>Not even 2 seconds in game and i notice 4-5 Hacker (Aimbot/Wallhack/Spawn Menu), i also got max level in one kill.
are saying the hackers did the hacking for you tje 1st time around? that smells like bs
>but it is important to be able to cope and move forward.
thats not what the post was doing, but yea, thats the aim
For shame, user
> Buy new Game on Release
> New Game is flooded by hacker
> Hacker changed my Level to max
> Support do shit
> Support threats me with ban
> Get Hacks
> Hack the Hacker
> Years Later VAC Ban
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
>Everyone cheated once in his life
No, is just the cheaters. You sound like a woman.
>I only cheated my husband once, everybody cheats!
Ever played an old CoD Game, which one Kill gives you 999999999999999999999999999999 EXP, you faggot?
Does anyone else have a fear of logging into a game and being wrongfuly VAC banned, and forever having the ugly mark in your profile for something you did not do?
>hurr durr if i indirectly tell them that he shouldnt be on here if he is not above 18, i will be so funny hehe
Cheating on a test doesn't give you an unfair advantage over anyone because school tests are not competitive.
like tatoos?