games for this feel
Games for this feel
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What i'm supposed to feel here i don't watch isekai trash
Assassin's creed unity
>Make cartoonish kids game
>Make it comically violent and repulsive
Why are Japanese like this? Mental illness?
I thought you couldn't show decapitations on japanese media
>no way fag
its fantasy you double goblin
Goblin Slayer is native isekai
A game where you expect a dark fantasy adventure that gradually just becomes a harem anime with typical autistic protag?
War Crimes, presented by Nintendo.
Games for this feel?
>native isekai
Why are goblins killing them?
Can't they harvest gains humanely? Goblinely?
>le dark n edgy
yeah yeah, whatever. does anyone get raped again or what?
They're obviously tsundere for each other
Did he get raped by goblin traps?
Just go to Mexico lol
games for this feel?
Dropped the manga at about chapter 30 something because I felt it was going nowhere, did it go anywhere?
>still no goblin slayer game
Yes, but he gave them his consent
just play Voilated Heroine
that's what happens when you fuck with the dungeon master.
I recognize 'want to do it?' and 'fuck you,' but who is the third guy?
>tfw no goblin layer game
there's goblin burrow
Holy fucking shit
just autisticly smash goblins in dragons dogma for 1000 hours
lmao thats a good one
darkest dungeon collector
>male goblins fucking human women
>not human men fucking female goblins
how is it so hard to kill gobbos?
literally me
What episode?
How am I expected to believe those goblins killed those men? Every game I've ever played goblins are bottom of the barrel trash enemies.
the movie
>Japanese games
What universe are you from?
is the movie out?
Tales of Androgyny lets you fuck goblin girls and they'll leave you alone if you make them cum enough times.
I figure its not and its just more Japanese baby boy writing.
Who the fuck doesn't wear a helmet in a WRPG-like setting?
that's the trope
goblin slayer is a pseudo realistic setting where getting stabbed is deadly even if it's by a goblin with a shit covered knife
been out for awhile
I refuse to believe Japan are capable of anything fantasy without somehow forcing isekai into it, even the half good stuff that doesn't have it be a plot point in any manner can't stop themselves
Who the third guy on the right?
Based retard
Their strength is in their numbers, you could probably stomp one down with your foot individually. Also, everyone who's been shown fighting them are jobbers.
goblin slayer is dogshit
third guy is (You)
There's a movie?
Games for this feel?
Dragon Age Origins
I don't get it, were they important characters or just randos. Horrible things happening to randos doesn't really provoke much feeling.
it's because goblins are so shitty and weak and low level that they only pose a threat for beginner adventurers. all the other adventurers that are higher level are all fighting demons and gods and shit, leaving goblins to slowly grow over time until they need to be culled. only low level noobs who don't know wtf they're doing bother taking on goblin contracts.
or germany/france/sweden/UK
This Zig Forums meme will never be funny.
In all seriousness, why are the Japanese noticeably more sadistic, perverted and just generally all round more deranged than literally everyone else on this planet. Snuff videos produced by criminal cartels designed to scare the shit out of their enemies is just regular entertainment in Japan.
Ah, I didn't know. Thanks.
I don't like most grimdark because it gives me coldsteel the hedgehog vibes
Plot important space mehreens
I dropped it when I realised it was subtlely dropping its dark fantasy setting to become your average haremshit.
you're thinking of disney.
>gobleddit slayer
REMEMBER that this shitpile ranked 39th. Only plebbitniggers actually like this shit. Back to your home site, 3.
thanks breh
>Overwhelming numbers
>Gives zero fucks unless their alone or your clearly stronger than them
How would you feel if someone threw a baby at you and it started to tear out your eyes despite you tryin to shank it to death?
It has stupid rpg levels and classes and races but nobody's been magically transported in
so like chapter 2?