What killed the hype?
What killed the hype?
It's not a Final Fantasy.
I'm pretty hyped for it
Three really shitty games called XIII, XIV and XV.
I'm very hyped and therefore don't talk about it on Zig Forums lmfao imagine actually talking about games here and not the secret actual game discussion board.
shitty consoles
waiting time
ff12,13,15 absolute garbage
>medieval shit, MMO graphics, boring characters, hack and slash ARPG combat, PS3 tier graphics, timeskip, etc.
It looks like a clone of the Witcher. The preview site had kino armour and concept art for the world like a Venice built around a gigantic crystal. Why didn't they show that shit in the trailer? Instead of a basic barnyard and a swamp lmao
mentally handicapped response
hype's still there, we just need to see more of it. the retarded masses of faggots stroking their below average cocks to FF7R hentai, similar bethesda and CDPR fans, only need their antidepressant fueled, delusional perspectives to be excited for things
Also no party members confirmed (you have """"guests"""" in the same way DMC5 had guests)
>The preview site had kino armour and concept art for the world like a Venice built around a gigantic crystal.
Because it's vaporware that only exists in concept art, the game will be delayed to 2024.
wow, all this from a trailer that had less than 10 seconds of gameplay and 0 characterization of its cast/lore
your brain's real small huh
Seething shill lmao.
rent free 16tranny
keep dissing other fine fantasy games you gay ass mmotranny yoshi-p cocksucker,ff7r is literally winning goty
>i-it will get better, y-you'll see
The cope, lol.
Square Enix poached too much staff from Capcom, they ended up making Dragon's Dogma 2.
literal nigger posting lol
Says the modern final fantasy fan.
you're beyond help if you use game journalism a defense for your kingdom hearts spin-off
kill yourself, minimum wage mutt
>final fantasy LXXVI
>this time it has uuhhh... swords and magic?
> basic barnyard and a swamp lmao
> no party members confirmed
Yeah, these. Why didn't they focus on the good stuff instead of random shit nobody cares about? It's the least epic Final Fantasy trailer ever.
What hype?
>Whine 20 years for a Vagrant Story 2
> Finally we get the closest thing to it, and zoomers and s o i s start bitching about placeholder graphics
Still more variation than Dragon Quest
being hyped for the first final fantasy game aince 10 that's rolling back to simpler times of high-fantasy melodrama makes you a "modern" fan? how slow is your brain? FF7 is the low point of the old final fantasy games.
> kingdom hearts spin-off
Take your meds, Jimbo.
Final fantasy XVI isnt Cybertrash 2077 where every new trailer looks worse and worse.
I'm almost 100% certain this is Barry stirring shit again.
I'm hyped but the games not coming out until like 2 years bro
>witcher rip off
>simpler times
who are you trying to fool zoomer?
they explicitly said "We didn't show anything that people would find exicting in the trailers"
What absolute fucking genius at squeenix thought that was a smart idea, he deserves a raise after the past 15 years of garbage
>being hyped for the first final fantasy game aince 10 that's rolling back to simpler times of high-fantasy melodrama
Damn, they are really making a Final Fantasy with sub-60IQs in mind now, aren't they? Can't have the differently-abled be offended now, right? We need more simpler basic shit so even a drooling retard like you can play it and understand the narrative.
Honestly, this.
That writing of stinks like Barry.
Suck my cock Barry. 7r is kino, XVI looks like complete kino and XV will be forgotten and trash forever.
Still not buying XV.
>it's supposed to look like shit
we're reaching new levels of cope form yoshi-piss stans
did you even read my fucking post you dumbass, I'm saying they're retards for doing this and have about as high of an expectation for the game as you do
the answer to that is very low, if you needed that spelled out for you since sarcasm is apparently not your strong suit
definitely not placeholder graphics, but the lacking visual fidelity is a good thing that the low-iq masses of this board could never hope to understand. they equate video game quality to the 500 dollar shoes they wait in lines to buy/steal.
the team's using their assets in smarter places, rather than what Square's been doing for the last decade of trash releases.
Showing the boring pre-timeskip designs first and foremost,none of the enviroments looked interesting,the DMC combat plus no party showed off makes it look like a single character game.
Also,the game does not exactly look impressive for a next gen FF game,when the series historically pushed the boundaries for graphics and visuals.
>>Whine 20 years for a Vagrant Story 2
then name it vagrant story 2 and not ff16
people who give a shit about the graphics are braindead, i just think what we've seen of the gameplay is shit
Sorry, I'm here for shitposting and TORtanicfaggotry only, I don't care about XVI
>more simpler
also, do you live in a world where FF7's story is hard to understand, in all it's pretentious, adolescent faggotry?
Hmm, it really seems like you're asking a leading question with a misleading premise
Hey OP, when did you stop fucking dogs?
>Yoshida says that they are making the game first then the graphics
>also predicts that the americans were gonna bitch about it
>it actually happens and Zig Forums gets triggered
Like clockwork.
Zig Forums is a graphics whore and got pissed off at someone calling them out.