90's furries in vidya

90's furries in vidya

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End your life aspie fucking freak.

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for real boomers

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Star Fox

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what's this

Is that the cat game?

No, it's the dog game.

Looks like Quest for Glory 2.

Looks like a point and click adventure game. Wouldn’t know which, they all look similar.

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berry nice

>another stealth furry thread

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How is this stealth? Wtf

I always wondered why Star Fox does so poorly in sales despite having a furry fanbase. I thought furries bought everything in droves? Isn't that why Pokemon is so popular?

i'm a bit of a zoomer in gaming terms, i only have modern furfaggotry to offer. Forgive me.

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Final Fantasy 9 is technically 2000s, but it is close enough.

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Sequel Kickstarter failed miserably
We can't have good things anymore

you will never be a woman


Silly rat.

>I thought furries bought everything in droves?
They really don’t. Even when you have characters like Krystal that are widely known throughout the community, over 90% of artists flat out admit they’ve never touched a Star Fox game before.
It’s also why so many of them fuck up her tattoo placement. They just use each other’s pictures as reference but can’t be assed to do simple research

W-what game?

2000 is honorary '90s.

Brutal: Paws of Fury

cool thanks


bring on the cat pussy

He will sooner be a woman than you're going to be an anthropomorph animal.


Because star fox sucks and isnt nearly as marketable as pokemon creatures.

Because Star Fox stopped being good long before Pokemon did.

Uterus transplantation. With furry transformation I don't even know where one could begin research.

uterus transplantation makes you about as much of a woman as gluing fur to your skin makes you a furry

Star Fox is lot more alethically appealing than Pokemon nonsense desu.

Nigger this is the most blatant furry thread of the day

Then brain transplantation with a biological woman.

Thats why its doing so well innit?

while that is physically possible, the resulting body would die, possibly agonizingly, because it's a fucking MAN brain trying to control a WOMAN body

if you're serious then kill yourself, but if you're not then neither am i, carry on :^)

Then brain transpolantation with an animal.

Even if feral furry faggots exist, I said anthropomorph animal and not just animal.