talk about how much you want to bang devil mom and if jackbox thread is good for you.
So party pack 7 is a confirmed disappointment, it's even worse than pack 4, at least there's still Tee-Kino to play.
talk about how much you want to bang devil mom and if jackbox thread is good for you.
So party pack 7 is a confirmed disappointment, it's even worse than pack 4, at least there's still Tee-Kino to play.
Other urls found in this thread:
>pack 7 so shit it singlehandedly killed jackbox on Zig Forums
But I liked Champ'd Up.
>only good pack 7 game is TKO 1.5
where did it all go wrong??
Champ'd up and Blather Round are fun, then again its the same with every pack where only one or two are really that great
Not much point in us complaining about it not happening if we're not hosting ourselves at the end of the day, the lads that host probably got their own things going on like all of us, just gotta be patient and show appreciation when they do
>he thinks anyone is gonna host a dead game anymore
haha good one user, however...I am gonna host I'm just baiting until more show up first. Pack 7 is my 2nd favorite pack in reality
Oh shit whats your favourite pack
>twitch / vplaysjackbox
fuck it gonna be hostan in spite of dead thread
pack 3
get in here
tfw no devil gf
wtf I think jackbox 7 is one of their best packs and Talking Points is one of their best games
wait.. you guys aren't playing without real friends, are you?
i can see why jackbox 7 would suck for Zig Forums but its one of the best if you play with friends and have communication skills
>devil mommy
What game and is it good and can you fuck her?
>what game
devils and the details
>is it good
>can i fuck her
When are we going to get a Jackbox with more than two good modes? This series is fucking cursed.
VOTE here
split the room
you can add options to the poll yourself
i love red terezi
i always had a feeling that due to the yearly releases, the packs would start to degrade in quality, and i was goddamn right
i mean for fucks sake, the fact that they made a THIRD quiplash and barely changed or added anything to it is a big red flag that they were pressed for time with this pack
cringe and pass
quiplash 3's artstyle was a mistake
your loss
the code's not working
user you didn't make this, did you
claymation was the ONE good thing about quiplash 3, there are MANY other actual factors that led to it being a shit sequel
>Quiplash is quiplash nothing new here
>Devil in the details doesn't really work online cause some of the controls are finnicky as shit
>Champ'd Up is godlike carries the shit out of this pack, an improvement on TKO which could get a little sloggish
>Blather Round is fun, but it wouldn't sell on it's own
>Talking Points isn't *bad* but not good either
time to vote
Not him, but as someone who enjoys when games use a claymation artstyle, Q3 squanders it extremely fucking hard.