Best African American representative in vidya


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Rodin The Infinite One.

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Here's a hot tip from your friendly neighborhood black user

"African American" is a cringe and meaningless term used by middle aged white women, just say black


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>tfw zoomers unironically brought back "colored people" and try to paint it as politically correct

>african american
>in a japanese game
Did you mean african japanese?

Paladin from D2

right? It's fucking hilarious

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Isn’t African American imply ancestor of slaves?

Only in 4/5 when he gets more characterization. in SF2 he is just a giant mike tyson rip off, literally named mike bison in the japanese version.

This guy was unironically the most likable character of FFXIII's cast.

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this, his character arc was the only one I gave a shit about

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What is it with Japanese developers and making black characters who have small chicks that chill in their hair?

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I don't know if you can English but I'll break it down.

Black Americans may have African ancestry, but we aren't African. We have no cultural connection to that continent anymore, and Africans themselves look down on us (some even consider us white, lol).

We basically exist in a vacuum; neither here or there.

unironically gears and halo

Considering the rest of the cast are cunts and mentally retarded manchildren, he's by far the best.

How did they manage to make every single character in XIII as insufferable as possible?

Because Toriyama thought that people liked the characters in games like FFX solely because of "muh angst," so he figured good writing would mean making everyone act like a massive cunt. Sadly, this trend would continue with every FF game to follow, and it looks like FFXVI will be no different.

this, but you used a stupid buzzword, so you're a faggot

Cole Train was, is, and shall forever be the best character in that series.

these guys are not american


xv is about bros chillin

it used to be about revenge

Literally the most based character in the entirely of FFXIII.

What happened to his wife?

>"I'm going to destroy the world's food source out of spite."
>"Let's turn this child into a l'Cie."
>"muh Nora"

That's not a high bar to clear.

>Never liked gears
>Like xcom
>Play tactics a throw cole train on a mission
>Instantly becomes the most likeable character in the game