how times have changed
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Wait is that from new gameplay? If so did I miss it?
yes it's the real deal
niggers stole a copy of Cyberpunk 2077 for the PS4
not even joking
i think i'll be starting as a corpo, not climing radio towers, even fc5 made fun of that
>Zig Forumss spent the last decade shitting on open world games but continues to buy them if they're console exclusives or massively hyped
this doesnt get said nearly often enough in cyberpunk hate threads but op is a faggot choke on the (You) cunt.
why would they ever put this game on the base consoles holy fuck its so ugly
>actually taking this leaked nigs footage as day 1 representation
>playing this game on ps4 to begin with
Holy fuck that game looks so fucking bad, it's Rage all over again
>real deal
>some nigger bumping his car into walls and giggling like a retard for 20 minutes
>game is shit brah
wooooww so this is the power of cyperpunk
He plays on PS4 retards. Anyone expected a miracle out of that garbage?
he didn't even look at the character creator or get into a fight
most of the footage was already shown off, too, because it was tutorial shit
what a retard
What were you expecting from these hackjobs?
>actually defending radio towers
What a fucking retard you are, holy shit.
That's on last gen, right? Because the loading times are atrocious.
>all this word wank
the quest is flagged from an orc weapon
thats it. they didnt code in any extra bullshit that the image is trying to imply, they did the least work possible, and thats the result
This image explains alot why i dont really like new games. Wonder why many quests in modern games feels so shallow
>they didnt code in any extra bullshit
Yes. But it still gives a superior sense of role playing feel than what Witcher 3 does.
and you still haven't refuted any of it
Yes, it's ps4 footage that's also missing the day 1 patch and the improvements contained in said patch, which was the entire reason they delayed it.
But Zig Forums is fucking retarded and is always forcing the next tortanic, call me when maxed out raytraced PC looks bad.
Sadly games like these are not very popular, no matter how many people tell you they'd prefer to play games like Gothic II, the reality is that most players do not want to explore and are completely lost without being told what to do, and the goal of the industry is to sell to as many demographics as possible.
I restarted Half Life 2, and after playing so many mindless AAAs I was surprised by the lack of indications, and even though HL2 levels are basically corridors you miss the stupidly reassuring help of an objective marker and objective list. Navigation is helped by level design tricks like lighting and perspective, but that requires more efforts from the devs and the player.
I assume that's even more difficult to design in an open world where you can't really control where the player is going to look or what could naturally catch his attention.
Though when those kinds of games offer the option to disable UI elements like minimaps, compass and exp bars, they become a lot more interesting and it makes them feel more open, you start to look at visual cues and the environment a lot more. The last example I can think of is the latest Terminator game. It feels cheaply made and is way too easy, but if you disable everything but your HP bar it's way more enjoyable.
hope you at least get some zloty for these posts
soul vs soulless
>yfw a game more than a decade old did faces better than the biggest hype machine in the entire industry
Fuck off xrp schizo
>Yes, it's ps4 footage that's also missing the day 1 patch and the improvements contained in said patch, which was the entire reason they delayed it.
>But Zig Forums is fucking retarded and is always forcing the next tortanic, call me when maxed out raytraced PC looks bad.
the more i see of cyberpunk the less interested i am.
>zOmG iT hAs ToWeRs So It'S tOtAlLy LIkE fAr CrY!!!!!!!!!!!!!111one
lmao the absolute state of coping seething discord trannies
can't wait for you all to shit your pants when this game breaks sales records
It's okay to release unfinished games that require 50Gb of patches
>Trump hat
Uh oh, someone didn't get a memo
because they started developing the game 2013 or so
Why do people call it batman senses? Batman doesn't have superhuman perception.
take your meds
trump won but you're retarted if you thought the jews would let him get another term
in the batman arkham games he gets detective vision where everything goes grey except objects of interest
The Arkham games had this weird batman vision mechanic that would show you "important clues" I.E. everything you need to solve a puzzle
The problem with disabling UI elements is that you may end up being lost with no cues to help you, since the developers intended you to always follow the GPS. There will be no thought put into designing landmarks for easier navigation, lighting tricks like you mentioned etc.
Also funny that you mention HL2 because even though there s a lack of indications, you're constantly followed by someone for a good part of the game. It was really annoying when I wanted to explore the map one more time before moving on and Alyx or some random followers kept telling me to go to the next area.
Oh ok then, fair enough. I've never played those games
I haven't bought a game in years
>he didn't trust the plan
>trump won
lol bazinga