Here's your Cyberpunk city, bro
I haven't really been following this game but why did they decide to put a desert in a cyberpunk game? It looks like GTA V
that nigger made game look worse than it really is
only niggers are able to do such thing
pre-sure its just where one of the story routes starts
stop baiting you dumbass zoomer, deserts are great in cyberpunk shit. Post apocalypse+cyberpunk is a great combo.
I'm naming my First™ Indie™ Sandbox™ RPG™ where Choices™ Matter™ Cyberscope.
being leaked on a base ps4 couldn't be more perfect
Because they want the GTAV audience, it’s also a way to pad out the map size with empty space.
Don't care. I'm still buying Cyberpunk 2077.
you're trying too fucking hard
Here's your Las Vegas, bro
>dystopian theme
>ask why there's a desert in the game
Because it actually fits pretty well with the source material and the rest of the franchise. Remember, Cyberpunk is a series, not a genre.
No I'm pretty sure cyberpunk is a genre you fucking retard.
No, no, no. He means that Cyberpunk is a series whereas you're thinking of cyberpunk, the genre.
Hope that cleared it up for you.
A genre named after the series.
You don't call the entire fantasy genre "Middle-Earth" and then complain about Tolkien's Orcs not being green.
No you're a fucking retard cyberpunk is a genre. Stupid fucking cuck.
Because it's based on the pnp setting you fucking retard
I starting to think that this game might receive some backlash after all because of the niggers like the faggot who streamed his stolen copy. If what the early access journalists said was true and even jacking a car is centered on RPG skills, niggers are going to seethe that it isn't like GTA at all and is more like Deus Ex.
The "bruhh!" streamer even declared as much expecting GTA and started frantically skipping shit and dialogue thinking he was going to be in an open area to shoot shit.
No, user, you're misunderstanding. This is shit the fags on /tg/ can understand even. The genre is cyberpunk. The series is Cyberpunk. The series contains: Cyberpunk 2013, 2020, and 2077. That is the Cyberpunk universe. You are the illiterate nigger here.
>Post apocalypse+cyberpunk is a great combo.
This. It's just a shame nothing about the desert or the city even vaguely resembles a post-apocalyptic landscape.
I mean that's a good thing, it should be more rpg than anything else.
It's a series of pen and paper games you stupid fuck. Kill yourself so humanity doesn't have to suffer your retard genes anymore.
What a fucking dumpsterfire. Retarded zoomers here are going to gobble this shit up with a smile on their face and ask for seconds.
Agreed. "RPG" games nowadays have literally 0 actual rpg elements. The more rpg in cyberpunk the better.
Because GTA Online made a fuckload of money and so they rebooted Cyberpunk as GTA.
I hope normies break their brains on the 10th.
doesn't look apocalypse at all
Some of the shitposts on this board are funny but others are trying way too fucking hard.
I did not like deus ex
The RPG elements in CP77 look absolutely abysmal tho, so far the only augments we've seen are very basic boring shit like extra 25% damage or extra 10% resistance to bullets, god i miss DeuSex so fucking much
Retarded frog poster.
A desert makes sense for a post apocalyptic world but a cyberpunk world is supposed to be dense, high tech, chaotic, claustrophobic, etc.