How is your PS3 doing user-dono?
How is your PS3 doing user-dono?
lol you didn't get Naruto: RISE OF A NINJA or Naruto: THE BROKEN BOND
get fucked
I wish I never sold my super slim I could be modding it right now
You can't with super slim
ore kusobaka360 nandattandayo
I lent it to my brother.
Already played RDR on it so its mission has been accomplished.
Managed to install CFW on it too.
YLOD burned 2 years ago
I've still got it set up in the spare room as a media box
The disc drive is broken, unfortunately
Not so good, user. The controller no longer holds a charge.
hard drive got corrupted and had to replace it.
dead oof ylod
breddy gud, if nuclear holocaust happens I can take my CFW PS3 with a stuffed 1TB drive into the bunker and play the games hoarded onto it until the generator runs out and then shoot myself
backwards compatible still going
This is why I have hope for the future of RPCS3, cause my fucking back compat PS3 finally bit the dust last month
I haven't touched my ps3 in months. Maybe I should jailbreak it idk.
I've barely touched any of my other consoles since I jailbroke mine, highly recommend
how can your ps3 just die like that? i literally let my ps3 running for days and it's still going strong
Eventually the thermal paste goes, you have to replace it at some point in a fat model's life.
The newer models have better cooling but it's good future proofing to eventually do it on them too.
im tihinking about buying a second hand ps3 for backwards comp. and emulating any tips?
Every other day or so I want to plug it in and play some mgs, silent hill, or maybe smt. But man I cannot be fucked to actually plug it in. Sick of consoles I just want everything on pc but my pc needs an upgrade.
I had changed the thermal paste though, I have no idea what happened. I'm suspecting a power surge. I might try to revive her, if i ever get time to work on that sort of stuff ever again
usually you have to heat up the chips up to reestablish their connection to the motherboard. you can look up tutorials online but if you don't have the tools or experience you are better off looking for a shop do it for you.
>Infamous 2
I played that game and I remember fucking nothing from it. I remember the first one being bland as fuck and being praised to high heaven.
>2 ps3 thread
what is this?
as i said in the other thread
every now and then i do. i got the palt on spec ops the line last time i did.
i might play dead space again and plat it.
i am still looking for a few ps3 exclusive games to play but they are pretty hard to find in my region these days, like puppeteer, folklore and dark sektor.
I miss mine so much. Demons souls, neir, dot game heroes...
mine is stored in a box right now
[ ! ] Claims of vaulty fireburn is disputed.
people have recently figured out the biggest issue with ylod failures aside from thermal paste was cap failures
if you have the time to recap the board that'll probably fix it