STICKY WHEN?? Surely the sequel is coming right?
STICKY WHEN?? Surely the sequel is coming right?
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Did the picture change?
it has to happen tonight right? its 22 in jp and everywhere else for that matter
kys rebbit
get out newfriend
Imagine being excited about getting massively disappointed a second time. When will you learn?
Cool, a new pachinko game
Why is my time different than yours?
>inb4 Day 0
Just like last time, another 24+ hours to go
what if they are just fucking with us again? i don't think i can take it anymore
it uses your local timezone. Probably we will all know the reveval by Japan time.
How many days left?
It's gonna be the khux collab or some other underwhelming shit. This is going to be worse than 2012 countdown
It's gonna be the sequel Zig Forumsros, we're finally getting it. We're almost there.
God I wish this is true
lost of evidence that points out this is the case
Why do you do this to yourselves? You know deep down that it isn't going to be a sequel
It'll be a new trailer/release date for this you fucking idiots.
Get brained up.
Sequel or we riot
Explain why @1stPD_PR (Division responsible for game development) changed their Twitter to be TWEWY themed
To shill the anime
Shit I don't know maybe to get eyeballs on the anime?
Invest more in int you lamer
Nomura said a new game of his would be coming to Switch and he said it wasn't KH
Nomura is a fag and Square Enix hates Nintendo
I’m feeling optimistic.
No idea what today could be aside from a teaser of a trailer though.
dial it down
>teaser countdown for a teaser trailer
Shut the fuck up, nintranny. Nobody likes you and your eternal victim complex.
>Square Enix has said they are putting all their teams on PS5/next gen
>v-victim complex
I mean, a full announcement would probably happen tomorrow. This time slot is off since they’ve burned through all their old trailers but aren’t at the end yet.
DQXI Definitive Edition was a limited Switch exclusive that fucked over PC/Xbox ports. Trials of Mana was on Switch. Even Nier Replicant is rumoured to have a garbage Switch port that will be locked to 13 FPS.
But, no, Square Enix hates Nintendo because Shitch isn't getting a computationally intensive game like FF7R and KH3!
>>Square Enix has said they are putting all their teams on PS5/next gen
Literally just FFXVI because Sony money-hatted it. Take your meds.
>DQXI Definitive Edition was a limited Switch exclusive
Are you retarded? DQXI was on PS4 ages before the switch version.
>The Definitive Edition includes the critically acclaimed DRAGON QUEST XI, plus additional scenarios, orchestral soundtrack, 2D mode and more!
Kill yourself.
>be wrong
>get called out
>double down and claim a DE is somehow a different game
>be retarded
>can't read
>doesn't understand that Square Enix catered to tendies and locked extra content and QoL improvements behind a shitty tablet and as a result the definitive port of the game will suffer from horrendously downgraded graphics
I'm dabbing on your ass right now
>doesn't understand that Square Enix catered to tendies
>by releasing an old game at full price with a smattering of irrelevant content
Ok, you can stop now.
>Square Enix has said they are putting all their teams on PS5/next gen
no they didn't